Friday, July 17, 2020

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel - 25 Tamuz 5780/July 17, 2020

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Date: Fri, Jul 17, 2020, 1:18 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel - 25 Tamuz 5780/July 17, 2020
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July 17, 2020 - 25 Tamuz 5780
News from the Agudah:

  • Important action alert! Our schools and families are hurting due to the economic toll that coronavirus has taken on everyone, and they need your help. Please see below for an important message from Rabbi Abba Cohen, our Vice President for Government Affairs and Washington Director, about what simple step you can take to help.

  • Agudath Israel has filed a motion in Federal District Court to intervene as a co-defendant in a lawsuit against the Village of Chestnut Ridge. The lawsuit followed the Village's adoption of an ordinance that would give greater flexibility for building houses of worship within the Village. See below for more information.

  • The Summer of Torah Women's Lecture Series will be continuing this Monday, July 20. Mrs. Chani Juravel, LCSW, will be speaking on the topic of Letting Go...of What We Never Had to Hold on To. See below for more information on Monday's event. This past Monday, Rabbi Y.Y. Rubinstein spoke about Truly Great...Jewish Women Then and Now. You can listen to a recording of the speech here.

  • We're happy to share this week's Pirchei newsletters which are filled with exciting divrei Torah and stories. Click here for the Pirchei Weekly and here for the Pirchei Pages.

  • And for your daughters, click here for the Bnos Modeh Ani newsletter.

  • Congratulations to Rabbi Ari Strulowitz, Director of Camp Nageela Midwest, a division of Agudath Israel of Illinois, for being named to Chicago's Ninth Annual "36 under 36" list. This honor was given to him in recognition of his contributions to the community and for going the extra mile during COVID-19. Click here to see more details.

  • The Iyunim B'Hilchos Shabbos program continues on Sunday with a shiur from Rabbi Asher Weiss. See below for the full schedule and for the call in information.
Action Alert: Our Schools and Families are Hurting and Need Your Help!

Dear Friends:

Yes, our yeshivos, Bais Yaakovs and Jewish day schools have been devastated by the effects of the novel coronavirus and, even with our most valiant efforts, our children's education has taken a terrible hit. It is a blow experienced by many private and religious schools, with the possibility of hundreds of these schools closing their doors.

Equally devastating is the effect the economic downturn is having on our families. Loss of jobs. Loss of income. Families facing extreme hardship as they struggle to provide even the basic necessities of life, such as food, clothing and shelter. And, of course, the further hardship of not being able to afford the basics of Jewish life, such as tuition payments and charitable contributions to our schools.

But there is good news!

As early as next week, in the next COVID-19 relief package, Congress will be considering two Trump Administration-supported measures that could go far in alleviating this plight:

1.      Providing direct emergency aid to parents to cover education-related expenses, which would include tuition. This could be accomplished through a federal appropriation to the governors of all 50 states, who would then distribute scholarship grants to families choosing private schools; and

2.      Providing an emergency federal education tax credit – the Education Freedom Scholarship – for corporate and individual contributions to scholarship granting organizations. These scholarships could be used for a wide array of educational expenses, including private school tuition, special needs services, and tutoring.

It is essential that we contact our Senators and Representatives to support these vital initiatives to help our schools and families. Time is of the essence. They will be considered next week and the expectation is that the legislation will move quickly.

But I will be honest. This will not be easy. Some proposals are being circulated on Capitol Hill that would provide hundreds of billions of dollars for education in the next round, but completely cut out private schools and private school families!

All we are asking for is to be treated fairly and equitably in this time of crisis and emergency.


Rabbi Abba Cohen
Vice President for Government Affairs and Washington Director
Agudath Israel of America
Agudah Moves to Join as Co-Defendant With Village of Chestnut Ridge in Federal Court
Agudath Israel has filed a motion in Federal District Court to intervene as a co-defendant in a lawsuit against the Village of Chestnut Ridge. The lawsuit followed the Village's adoption of an ordinance that would give greater flexibility for building houses of worship within the Village.

Prior to the adoption of the ordinance, the Village's zoning laws made it practically impossible to build a shul or other house of worship in Chestnut Ridge. Rigid requirements, such as demanding a minimum of 5 acres on which to build, ensured that observant Jews who are prohibited from driving on Shabbos and Yom Tov were effectively "zoned out" of the Ramapo village.

Under the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA), a federal a law passed in 2000, it is illegal for a municipality to "impose or implement a land use regulation in a manner that imposes a substantial burden on the religious exercise of a person, including a religious assembly or institution." In a courageous move in November 2019, under the leadership of Mayor Rosario "Sam" Presti, the Village relied upon RLUIPA to adopt a new, three-tier zoning system for houses of worship that allows greater flexibility for synagogues while respecting the village's rural character. 

The mayor's move was welcomed by Agudath Israel, Orthodox Jews in Chestnut Ridge, and citizens across this nation who hold religious liberties dear. However, a vocal minority within Chestnut Ridge fiercely opposed the change. A group known as "CUPON" (Citizens United to Protect Our Neighborhoods) sued the village to declare the new law void, accusing the village of not adhering to environmental laws, among other legalities. A judge dismissed half of CUPON's complaints immediately while allowing the suit to move forward on the remaining charges.  

On July 9th, Agudath Israel, together with a number of local shuls, filed a motion to intervene as co-defendants in the lawsuit. Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, the organization's executive vice president, explained, "Agudah is no stranger to religious bigotry. As Orthodox Jews move into new neighborhoods, they all-too-often encounter resistance. We applaud Mayor Presti's willingness to welcome Chestnut Ridge's religious citizens, and we stand with them as they face legal action for daring to allow shuls to exist within the Village boundaries."

Rabbi Zwiebel further noted that Rabbi Abba Cohen, Agudath Israel's Vice President of Government Affairs and Washington Director, was instrumental in getting RLUIPA signed into law. "The Agudah has played a key role in the passage of federal legislation prohibiting zoning boards from discriminating against religious institutions," he said. "The legislation protects the rights of religious communities around the country, and we are looking forward to a satisfactory resolution to this case."
Summer of Torah Lecture Series
You can register for the event here.
Iyunim B'Hilchos Shabbos
On Sunday, July 19, there will be a hachanah shiur at 11:00 am EDT, a shiur from Rabbi Asher Weiss at 12:00 pm EDT, and a chazarah shiur at 8:00 pm EDT.

The Zoom access link is and the call in number is 1-646-558-8656, access code: 835-286-77424.
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