Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel - 7 Av 5780/July 28, 2020

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From: Agudath Israel of America <news@agudah.org>
Date: Tue, Jul 28, 2020, 4:49 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel - 7 Av 5780/July 28, 2020
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

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July 28, 2020 - 7 Av 5780
News from the Agudah:

  • The New York State Education Department just released its guidance for reopening nonpublic schools. Ahead of this release, Agudath Israel's Yeshiva Services Department hosted an informative webinar for Yeshivas, outlining what they need to know in order to prepare for the upcoming school year. See below for more information.

  • We'd like to share a fascinating article with you from the Hamodia about Rabbi Shlomo Soroka, Director of Government Affairs for Agudath Israel of Illinois. You can read the article here.

  • Our colleagues at www.PartnersInShidduchim.com asked us to share that they will be hosting a virtual event tonight from 8:30-9:00 pm EDT. Mrs. Shifra Novograd, award winning writing and communications consultant, will be speaking about Discovering the #1 Critical Step to Creating a Memorable Dating Profile. Join the Zoom Meeting with Meeting ID 207 8012780, passcode: 613. For more information about this initiative, email support@partnersinshidduchim.com.

  • Lastly, watch your inboxes for the newest Ki Heim Chayeinu video which will be coming out later today.
Agudath Israel's Yeshiva Services Department Guides Mosdos to Reopening in an Enlightening Webinar  
The New York State Education Department just released its guidance for reopening nonpublic schools. Nonpublic schools, including yeshivas, are required to submit plans for safely reopening, and were awaiting this guidance.

In anticipation of the release of the guidance, Agudath Israel's Yeshiva Services Department hosted an informative webinar for Yeshivas, outlining what they need to know in order to prepare for the upcoming school year.   

Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Executive Vice President of Agudath Israel of America and sitting member of NYS Commissioner's Advisory Council for Nonpublic Schools, introduced the program. Rabbi Leib Kelman, Dean, Bnos Leah Prospect Park Yeshiva in Brooklyn, and Mr. Richard Altabe, Lower School Principal and Executive Vice President, Hebrew Academy of Long Beach, gave presentations on how their institutions plan on mapping out the reopening process.  

According to Mrs. Deborah Zachai, Agudah's Director of Yeshiva Services, "It is obvious that this information was sorely needed, as approximately 500 principals/administrators participated in the workshop. We are gratified to be able to provide the yeshivos with the information they need to minimize confusion and safely reopen yeshivas for our children."     

The Yeshiva Services Department is preparing the information contained in the State Education Department guidance into a sample template that it will share with the yeshivos. School administrators who would like to access the recording should please email yeshivaservices@agudah.org.
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