Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel - 9 Tamuz 5780/July 1, 2020

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Date: Wed, Jul 1, 2020, 1:52 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel - 9 Tamuz 5780/July 1, 2020
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Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual.
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June 1, 2020 - 9 Tamuz 5780
News from the Agudah:

  • Yesterday, AJCO (Association of Jewish Camp Operators), an umbrella organization of Agudath Israel, presented their oral arguments in the camp case against NY Governor Cuomo. See below for more details.

  • Due to the recent groundbreaking Supreme Court ruling, there has been a change in topic for today's Agudah Live. Join us at 3:00 pm EDT as we LIVESTREAM a special session of #AGUDAHLIVE with Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Executive Vice President of Agudath Israel of America, and discuss the impact of yesterday's Supreme Court ruling on the work of Agudah and our community and our schools. Click here to watch it.

  • Agudath Israel of America, represented by Rabbi Labish Becker, recently participated in a meeting of The United Task Force to discuss the needs of the Jewish community during this difficult time. Please see below for more details.

  • The Iyunim B'Hilchos Shabbos program continued today with a shiur from Rabbi Yosef Kushner, and there will be a chazarah shiur at 8:00 pm EDT. See below for the call in information and for tomorrow's schedule.

  • The Daf Yomi Commission was able to arrange a free month for Maggidei Shiur of a resource to assist in learning and retaining the daily daf. LeHisvada is a daily dose of easy to digest material available by email (or regular mail) built around the daily shakla v'tarya that enhances your learning exponentially. If your Maggid Shiur isn't on the Daf Yomi Commission's email list, please do forward this information to him. We also think that this resource, at $4.00/month, is a wonderful gift for B'nei Chaburah to sponsor for their Maggid Shiur (if not for themselves, as well!). Please see below for more details.
AJCO Presents Oral Arguments in Camp Case Against New York State Governor Cuomo 
This morning, a plaintiff group led by the Association of Jewish Camp Operators, AJCO, as well as parents of potential campers, presented oral arguments in their case against New York State Governor, Andrew Cuomo. AJCO, founded by Agudath Israel of America to represent the interests of the Orthodox Jewish summer camp community, and parents, are requesting a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction allowing overnight camps to open this summer.  

Camps were barred from opening this summer due to Governor Cuomo's March Executive Order put in place to stop the impending spread of COVID-19.     

The attorney for AJCO – Avi Schick of the Troutman Sanders law firm - stressed that the limitations imposed on Orthodox Jewish parents by New York State are a clear violation of the religious liberties guaranteed under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. The religious camps represented by AJCO were created to provide Jewish children an immersive religious environment and activities designed to enhance their religious development in a unique 24/7 setting.  

Mr. Schick also highlighted the Governor's exemption made to the protesters who have filled the streets of New York in recent weeks. He focused on the clear double standard the Governor displayed, by encouraging the mass protests that were blatant violations of his Executive Order while insisting that religious overnight camps be shut down.  

There was also great emphasis placed on the fact that the Governor allowed day camps and dormitories to operate in the coming months, stressing that if these institutions are permitted to open, camps should be granted clearance to open as well.   
AJCO also made it clear that safety is a top priority for these religious camps. Mr. Schick described the many measures the camps will take to ensure a safe and COVID-free environment for the campers in question.  

Chief U.S. District Judge Glenn Suddaby gave the parties until close of business tomorrow (Wednesday, July 1) to submit additional legal briefs. It is anticipated that a ruling will be handed down before the week's end.  

Agudath Israel of America hopes the judge will be responsive to the arguments made in this case. Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Vice President of Agudath Israel of America, explained, "overnight summer camping has always played an important role in the religious development of our youth. All the more so in a time like this, when so many children have been away from yeshiva for so many months. We believe our attorneys have made a powerful legal case for the camps to be opened, B'siyata diShmaya, we look forward to a successful result." 
Meeting our Community's Needs: During the Pandemic and Beyond
The current reality has tested each of us in unprecedented ways. But for those in our community who were already dealing with personal challenges prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the level of difficulty has been compounded exponentially.

In keeping with its mission of strengthening Torah life, advocating for the community, and serving each individual, Agudath Israel of America, represented by Executive Director Rabbi Labish Becker, recently participated in a meeting of The United Task Force to discuss the needs of the Jewish community during this difficult time.

The United Task Force, or UTF, is comprised of a wide variety of mental health and other community-based organizations that serve the Orthodox Jewish community in the metropolitan area and beyond.

The organization is an umbrella group that pools our community's finest resources to make them available to the most vulnerable of our population, including individuals grappling with mental health challenges, addiction, domestic violence or relationship issues, as well as our cherished Holocaust survivors.

Representatives of each of UTF's member agencies meet five times per year to network, compare notes, and brainstorm about the best ways to help their constituents. Agudath Israel feels privileged to be part of United Task Force and Rabbi Becker is a founding executive committee member of the UTF.

Although the most recent meeting could not be held in person due to COVID-19 restrictions, it took place via Zoom videoconferencing, and what emerged from the meeting was nothing short of remarkable. While each agency was challenged by the pandemic on a personal level and limited in the assistance they could provide, they each stepped up with superhuman efforts to assist those who needed them most during this troubled time. These unsung heroes were truly the front-line workers amidst an unprecedented crisis. Their brief reports, from the trenches, offered a heartbreaking glimpse into how our community, particularly the most vulnerable populations, have suffered throughout the pandemic.

Each agency shared how they were able to help during the pandemic and the lessons they learned. "At the beginning of the pandemic, people suffered from loneliness and uncertainty," said Dr. Faye Zakheim, Ph.D. LCSW, chair of the UTF. "As the days turned into weeks, and then months, however, many had trouble regulating their feelings and have turned to unhealthy coping mechanisms." While many of the member agencies pivoted to serve their clients remotely, they reported being deluged with calls for assistance. While trying to keep their own staff safe and upbeat, many of whom were dealing with personal losses, they tried to keep up with the increased demand for their services.

Pesach, always a busy Yom Tov in the best of times, became an uncertain time for many. Unable to join their children for the holiday, the elderly were left isolated and alone. In the younger population, the challenges included keeping children and teens busy when school was not in session for many weeks. Breadwinners struggled with losses in income and for the first time, many families struggled with food insecurity. The member organizations of UTF assisted with food, monetary donations, health services, therapy, and other resources.

While we are seeing a bit of light at the end of the long dark tunnel of COVID-19, at least physically, much work remains to be done. There is still so much uncertainty, and while the fallout of this pandemic will be with us for a long time to come, thankfully, our community organizations are there for us to help us weather through.

For more information on the incredible work of the organizations part of the United Task Force, visit
Iyunim B'hilchos Shabbos Program
The Zoom access link is and the call in number is 1-646-558-8656, access code: 835-286-77424.
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