Thursday, July 30, 2020

Fwd: Post-Tisha B'Av Halachot; Kosher Food Gratitude; What's the Deal with "Until 120?"

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Jul 30, 2020, 8:13 PM
Subject: Post-Tisha B'Av Halachot; Kosher Food Gratitude; What's the Deal with "Until 120?"
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Orthodox Union OU Shabbat Shalom Weekly
OUA Endorses Statement Re: Chinese Persecution of Uighurs OU Advocacy

In the wake of Tisha B'Av, on which we commemorate the persecutions of Jews across the centuries, we are mindful of our obligation to speak out in opposition to inhuman persecutions of other peoples. We were deeply disturbed by recent reports of the new acts of oppression by the Chinese regime of Uighur Muslims by methods evoking images of the Holocaust. We cannot help but recall how global Jewry suffered from the silence of the world decades ago. Thus, Jewish leaders have begun to speak out on this present oppression.

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OUA Endorses Statement Re: Chinese Persecution of Uighurs
Yom NCSY—Experience the Livestream on Sunday NCSY

Join Mordechai Shapiro, Benny Friedman, Charlie Harary and others for this mega-event on Sunday, August 2, at 8:00 PM EDT.

Buy tickets here
Yom NCSY—Experience the Livestream on Sunday
Meet Project Resilience Orthodox Union

Beginning August 10, you'll have the opportunity to participate in a series of free virtual courses aiming to strengthen individual and family wellbeing by providing coping strategies and tools during these times of crisis. Course topics include anxiety, pandemic parenting and rediscovering resilience.

Learn more and register
Meet Project Resilience
Around the OU
Watch: CBS News—LI Teens Help Rebuild Community Leader's House Project Community 2020

Watch the incredible story of how a group of teen girls from the Five Towns are helping rebuild a house damaged by Hurricane Sandy.

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  Watch: CBS News—LI Teens Help Rebuild Community Leader's House
Help Say #Thanks4Lunch Teach Coalition

The kosher free-lunch program in multiple states has drawn much praise. Now you have the chance to thank our legislators for providing it.

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  Help Say #Thanks4Lunch
A Jewish Boy from Brooklyn in the USAF? SPIRIT Initiative

Rabbi Alan Kalinsky, who retired as a lieutenant colonel after 28 years as a chaplain, shares his experiences on Thursday, August 6, at 11:00 AM EDT.

Register here
  A Jewish Boy from Brooklyn in the USAF?
All Daf's Siyum on Masechet Shabbat: Save the Date OU Torah Initiatives

Join All Daf on Sunday, August 9, at 10:00 AM as Daf Yomi learners worldwide celebrate the completion of Masechet Shabbat. Register to join.

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  All Daf's Siyum on Masechet Shabbat: Save the Date
Train Your Brain: The Best Brain Exercises—Register to Join SPIRIT Initiative

Which online brain training is best, which brain games are best and what other hobbies or education can you do to keep your brain sharp?

Watch here
  Train Your Brain: The Best Brain Exercises—Register to Join
What's Your BIG Idea? The Family-Friendly Competition Starts August 9 OU Impact Accelerator

Bored of your living room? Time to turn it into a board room! Gather friends or family (maintain social distance!) and join our week-long family friendly competition to plan, create, and pitch your new BIG idea.

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  What's Your BIG Idea?  The Family-Friendly Competition Starts August 9
Are There Different Halachot for After Tisha b'Av When Tisha b'Av Falls on a Thursday? OU Kosher

Halacha Yomis explores why some of the restrictions of Tisha b'Av end earlier this year.

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  Are There Different Halachot for After Tisha b'Av When Tisha b'Av Falls on a Thursday?
Why Can I Wash Clothes Motzei Tisha b'Av (Thursday Night) if the Clothes Aren't Needed for Shabbat? OU Kosher

Halacha Yomis answers a follow-up to the previous question.

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  Why Can I Wash Clothes Motzei Tisha b'Av (Thursday Night) if the Clothes Aren't Needed for Shabbat?
Birkat Yitzchak - Shabbat Nachamu Rabbi Menachem Genack

Consolation is not merely an act of chesed toward the mourner, but an integral part of the mourning itself.

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  Birkat Yitzchak - Shabbat Nachamu
Redeeming the Ruins Dr. Erica Brown

To be an exile is never to reconcile yourself with where you are, but to live in a persistent hope of where you want to be.

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  Redeeming the Ruins
Answering Unanswered Prayers Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

Did you ever really pray for something you wanted? I mean, really fervently, desperately pray hard for something that was vitally important to you?

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  Answering Unanswered Prayers
The Infinite Game Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

"You shall do that which is right and good in the eyes of the Lord" means that one should not perform an action that is not right and good, even if they are legally entitled to do so.

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  The Infinite Game
Jewish Thought
What's the Truth About..."Ad Me'ah Ve'esrim Shanah?" Rabbi Ari Z. Zivotofsky

It is a misconception that it is traditional to bless a person that he or she should live "ad me'ah ve'esrim shanah," until 120 years.

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  What's the Truth About...
OU Kosher Virtual Seminar OU Kosher

Register today for the OU Kosher Virtual Kashrus Seminar: Preparing for Elul. Four two-hour daily seminars will delve into topics that include bedikas tolaim, shechita, kashering and cheese, beginning Monday, August 17, through Thursday, August 20.

Learn more and register
  OU Kosher Virtual Seminar
Recipes: Summer Market Naomi Ross

Whether as an accompaniment, accoutrement or the starring role, consider these recipes for your summer table.

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  Recipes: Summer Market

Parshat Va'etchanan
July 31-August 1, 2020
11 Av 5780

Isaiah 40:1-26

This Shabbat
Shabbat Nachamu

Special Days
Tu B'Av is celebrated on Wednesday, August 5

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Data Systems Manager
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Marketing and Outreach Manager – Yachad Summer
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