Monday, July 27, 2020

Fwd: Sichos This Week + Iyun Shiur

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Date: Mon, Jul 27, 2020, 11:53 AM
Subject: Sichos This Week + Iyun Shiur
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להרשם לקבלת אימיילים בעברית לחצו כאן

Dedicated by Rabbi Shloimy and Mirele Greenwald.
"המנהג לערוך 'סיומים' למסכתות הש"ס בכל יום מ'תשעת-הימים"
,ומהטעמים בדבר – כיוון שבימים אלו מחפשים את כל האופנים המותרים כיצד להוסיף בעניינים טובים ושמחים, ועל-ידי-זה לגלות את הטוב-הפנימי שבירידה הקשורה עם ימים אלו, החל מ"פיקודי ה' ישרים משמחי לב" – עושין שמחה לגמרה של תורה
There is a custom to conduct a Siyum to the Mesechtos of Shas during the "Nine Days." One of the reasons, since we are searching for all permissible manners to increase in good joyful endeavors, and thus reveal the inner good within the descent of the current time, beginning with, "the laws of Hashem are just, they bring joy to the heart."
(גליון התקשרות 989)
Dear Yaakov

A Gutten Chodesh, Everything is b'hashgacha pratis, so it comes with no surprise that a week which the Rebbe instructed us to make Siyumim, the Sichos for the week are Siyumim.

It gives a deeper meaning to "Leben mit di tzeit (living with the times)" and reminds us how vital is our learning of Likkutei Sichos, and how much we must encourage others to join.

We daven to Hashem that in the Zechus of the learning, and the Siyumim specifically, we should merit to see the final Siyum of this Galus, and the Hashchala and fulfillment of the Geulah ho'amitis v'hashleima

Team Project Likkutei Sichos
ומלאה הארץ לקוטי שיחות
JULY 26, 2020 •  ה אב תש׳׳פ

This week we have 2 Siyumim, one on Mesechta Shabbos, and one on Shas and Mesechta Nidda. Each connects the beginning with the end, and is rich with explanations and innovations in both Niglah and Chassidus.

Chelek Yud Daled, Sicha Vaeschanan Alef, Vaeschanan Beis
חלק יד • ואתחנן • שיחה א
פוקקין ומודדין וקושרין
Mesechta Shabbos concludes with the law that you are allowed to close a window on Shabbos, measure and tie a (non permanent) knot in the case of a mitzvah. It begins with the prohibition to transfer from domain to domain. What is the connection between the two? And what is the significance of these laws in the spiritual realm?
חלק יד • ואתחנן • שיחה ב

מצוות ק"ש ותלמוד תורה
An exploration of the various differences between these two Mitzvos. Krias Shema is about bringing Hashem into the world, while Torah is above the world. This connects to the beginning of Mishna, "From when does one read Shema in the evening," and the conclusion of the Mishna regarding, "one who learns halachos every day (constantly)." This comes with a beautifully comforting idea that even one in a fallen state, can overcome it with the power of Torah.

A Collection of Kisvei Yad ...
Once again, we are proud to present a collection of the Rebbe's handwritten edits on the 2 sichos in Vaeschanan. Prepared with words of explanation to give you a just a glimpse into the incredible investment the Rebbe gave to each and every Sicha. 
Feature of the Week - The Iyun Shiur
While there are a plethora of Shiurim on each Sicha, one of the most popular ones is the Iyun Shiur, the in-depth Shiur. Depending on the week and the Maggid Shiur, the dynamics of the Shiur will differ.

Sometimes, the Shiur will take you through the entire Sicha, but take you to a deeper level of understanding, other times, it will choose on aspect, one he'oro, one concept, and give you a whole new outlook, taking you on a journey from the general concept to the Rebbe's incredible chiddush, as you walk away wondering how you ever thought you understood it without this sicha.

This week we offer the following in-depth Shiurim (and stay tuned for more during the week):

Siyum Mesechta Shabbos: Siyum Hashas (Nidda) A big thank you to all the Maggidei Shiurim each week, and to those who work behind the scenes to arrange and coordinate all these Shiurim.
Sichos Checklist - Keep Track of Your Learning Checklist
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נוסד לכבוד י׳ שבט שבעים שנה.
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