Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Fwd: Tisha B'av Round-table & Hotline

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From: Bais HaVaad Halacha Center <>
Date: Wed, Jul 29, 2020, 6:15 PM
Subject: Tisha B'av Round-table & Hotline
To: <>

Medical Halacha Updates

Tisha B'av Hotline

shailos from Erev Tisha Bav through the entire day of Tisha Bav for any questions that may crop up throughout that time. An experienced Rav or Posek will be glad to assist you and guide you through any halachic issue you may have. Please Call Us at 732-276-2183 or direct message us on WhatsApp.

Tisha B'av Roundtable Video

We are pleased to share two roundtable videos from our Poskim at the Medical Halacha Center going through common Shailos and answers on Tisha B'av.

  1. First Video.
  2. Second Video.

New Medical Halacha Video Series

We are also pleased to announce the launch of our new video project: Medical Halacha Weekly. We will be having weekly videos that will cover pertinent medical Halachos and Shailos that come up regularly; can the ill break their fast on Tisha Bav, can one take medication on Shabbos, and much more!
Sign up here via email or click here to join our Medical Halacha Weekly WhatsApp group and receive our weekly video series.

Wishing all of Klal Yisroel a safe and healthy uplifting fast, and may we all meet with the coming of Moshiach in Yerushalayim to celebrate Tisha Bav this year!
Bais HaVaad Halacha Center | 105 River Ave., Building B Suite #301, Lakewood, NJ 08701
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