Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Fwd: An Update from the Agudah

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From: AGUDAH <>
Date: Wed, Jul 22, 2020, 2:47 PM
Subject: An Update from the Agudah
To: <>

July 22, 2020

Dear Community,
It is encouraging to see all of the camps continuing to operate smoothly and the community enjoying its summer. We hope and daven for everything to continue to go well through the end of the summer and into next school year.
Despite the severe limitations on domestic and international travel, Klal Yisroel received the good news this week that as of now, bachurim and girls will b'ezras Hashem be able to attend yeshivas and seminaries in Eretz Yisroel on time. We are working hard to help anyone that needs assistance obtaining a visa or updating their passports. Please see below for more information.
With today as Rosh Chodesh Av, we wish each of you a safe and meaningful period of the Nine Days. To review the halachos of the Nine Days and Tisha B'Av, please click here

Wishing you all the best,
Rabbi Yitzchok Ehrman
Rabbi Yaakov Robinson
Rabbi Shlomo Soroka
If you did not receive this email directly and would like to receive it in the future, please click here.

What's the Agudah Been Up to Lately?


Jewish children in Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee, St. Louis. and South Bend are all eating better these days. Agudath Israel of Illinois' KiwiKids has expanded their free meal distribution to five states, currently providing more than 125,000 free meals per week! AIOI is also working with many additional communities throughout the country, assisting them with creating and expanding access to kosher food programs.

With over 40,000 meals being distributed in the Chicago area on Thursdays, we have been working on streamlining the process for families to pick up meals quickly and efficiently. The new plan provided families a seamless and speedy experience using a reservation system and logistical enhancements with more staff and volunteers putting in countless hours of work. AIOI thanks Lincolnwood Mayor Barry Bass, the Lincolnwood Police Department, and the Lincolnwood Town Center for their assistance and partnership

AIOI has been receiving many calls from individuals needing assistance obtaining passports for international travel and visas for entry to Israel. We've been assisting families who are moving or trying to return to Israel, bachurim in yeshivos, girls hoping to attend seminary, and relatives who have a simcha or other pressing need to travel. We do our best to aid all who reach out, often with successful outcomes. If you need help, please call our office or email  

Pirchei Day Camp is finishing the second week of a four week season. Despite the many challenges that this season presents, a full blown summer program is underway, including learning, swimming, sports and many special activities. A wide array of age-appropriate, hands-on projects have been worked on by the different age groups, including advanced woodworking in the oldest two grades. While off-campus field trips are not being held this year, much effort has been put in having "in-camp trips" among them a full inflatable park on the camp's opening day. Additionally, a variety of performers and shows have been brought in to the camp to add to the excitement. All of this has been organized with the safety of the campers and staff in mind and is designed to be within full compliance of all state and local Covid 19 guidelines. 

After seeing positivity rates and the number of new cases climb, the numbers in the City of Chicago improved slightly last week. In 60659 the numbers also improved while there was a slight bump in new cases in 60645. While the recent metrics are somewhat encouraging, concerns have led the City to reinstate certain restrictions.     
Gov. J.B. Pritzker recently announced that the state will be further divided from four into 11 separate regions to allow a more focused approach to each area's coronavirus response as the pandemic continues. The metrics used for each region in determining the threat level and phase status will be independent of one another. The City of Chicago is now its own region (Region 11) while the rest of Cook County is another region (Region 10).  

In response to the recent uptick in COVID-19 cases, Mayor Lightfoot and the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) announced a re-tightening of COVID-19 restrictions for bars, restaurants, gyms and personal services as a precautionary move in response to a recent increase in community cases of the virus. The reinstatement of these restrictions will go into effect Friday, July 24. Among the most relevant restrictions to be included are:  
  • Maximum party size and table occupancy at restaurants will be reduced to six people. 
  • Indoor fitness class size will be reduced to a maximum of 10 people. 
  • Personal services requiring the removal of face coverings will no longer be permitted. 
  • Residential property managers will be asked to limit guest entry to five per unit to avoid indoor gatherings and parties. 
The Governor and the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) recently issued an alert regarding a fraudulent scam. It has been brought to our attention that some community members have apparently been targeted by the scammers.
Individuals who have not filed an unemployment claim but have received a debit card or an unemployment insurance (UI) finding letter in the mail have most likely been the target of fraud.
It is imperative that individuals take the following steps if they have not filed an unemployment claim and have erroneously received an unemployment debit card or UI finding letter in the mail:
▪ Immediately call IDES at 800.814.0513 and when prompted:
  • Select the English or Spanish language option
  • Selection option 1 for claimants
  • Selection option 5 to report identity theft
▪ Do not activate the debit card that was mailed to you.
▪ Have your credit report checked for possible suspicious activity and post a fraud alert.
▪ Visit the Federal Trade Commission's website to learn helpful tips on recognizing and
reporting identity theft.

Click here for a list of government financial programs. 
If you need additional assistance after reading this document, email us at, call (773) 754-3130 or visit our covid website: 
If you missed last week's comprehensive update that contained additional relevant information, you can view it here.

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