Sunday, August 30, 2020

FW: [chicago-aneinu] As a Zchus for Rabbi Wainkrantz

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-------- Original message --------
From: myysbyy via chicago-aneinu <>
Date: 8/30/20 1:30 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] As a Zchus for Rabbi Wainkrantz

In addition to davening and tehillim, which is of course the main key, Rabbi Ungar suggested that we all take upon ourselves a kabbalah in a certain area-
He suggested that we are all mekabel to say Asher Yatzar with full Kavanah (maybe from inside a siddur) and to really thank Hashem for all the nissim vniflaos involved in the functioning of the human body. As the Seder Hayom writes "After washing his hands [in the morning] one should recite the Asher Yatzar blessing with great intent – focusing on the meaning of each and every word. He should have in mind the great kindness that G-d does for him every time he goes to the bathroom by allowing his body to digest the beneficial nutrients and to expel the waste, thus keeping his body healthy. And if a person is complete in his attributes and he carefully utters these words, he will not become sick all of his days and will never need a doctor. Certainly, then, it is worthy to recite the blessing with strong intent and a complete mind to the Healer of all flesh."
This was done by the Chicago community for a different ill member and there were very positive results.

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