Tuesday, August 25, 2020

FW: It's Elul - Time to Wake Up!

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-------- Original message --------
From: YUTorah <office@yutorah.org>
Date: 8/25/20 10:02 AM (GMT-06:00)
To: mates57564@aol.com
Subject: It's Elul - Time to Wake Up!

New on YUTorah this Week

Yeshiva University

Center for the Jewish Future

August 25-31 • Elul 5-11

This learning on the site this week was sponsored:

by Shulamith and Joel Cohn and Family to mark the yahrtzeit of Rebeitzzin Byrdie Predmesky
by Keith Zakheim in honor of the daily Daf Yomi shiur
in memory of רחל בת רפאל and מענדל בן בערל
l'zecher nishmat R' Binyamin Tabory, Z"L (Yeshivat Har Etzion), for the 1st yartzheit, 2 Elul by his students Keren Simon, Tamar Simon, and Shira Ettie Simon
by Harold and Sharon Lipsky in loving memory of Helene Braver A'H on the occasion of her first yahrtzeit

New This Week

Mrs. Penina Bernstein

"Wake Up": Rosh Chodesh Elul
New beginnings and Elul, and waking up to the sounds of the Shofar.

Listen Now
Rabbi Chaim Marcus

The Tension of Elul

Is Elul marked by fear and trepidation or love and yearning?

Listen Now
Rabbi Isaac Rice

The Minhag and Hashkafah of the Shofar of Elul
Understanding the source of the custom of blowing shofar in Elul, the parameters the meaning behind this practice.

Listen Now
Rabbi Etan Schnall

Practical Avoda for Elul: Chesbhon HaNefesh
The dual feelings of Ahavas Hashem and Yiras Hashem while approaching Teshuva.

Listen Now
Rabbi Daniel Stein

Creating an Eruv in a Reshus Harabim
An iyun shiur for those learning Mesechet Eruvin in the Daf Yomi.

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Rabbi Moshe Taragin

The Two Roshei Teivot for Ellul: An Unbreakable Love; Asking G-d for Help in Teshuvah
The power of L'Dovid Hashem Ori

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Rabbi Yehuda Turetsky

Two Models of Isolation: Chizuk for Those In Quarantine

One can be in isolation like the metzorah during their days of contamination or the kohen gadol in preparation for entering the kodesh hakodashim.

Listen Now

Featured on YUTorah

Approaching Elul and Teshuva

As we begin the period of introspection and return, what are the themes and lessons we should be focusing on?

Browse the Shiurim

Blowing Shofar in Elul

What are the lessons and reasons for the custom of blowing shofar during the days of Elul?

Learn More

L'Dovid Hashem Ori

Why do we start reciting this mizmor in Elul? What does it teach us about the Yamim Noraim and Tishei?

Browse the shiurim

Kollel & Midreshet Yom Rishon @YUTORAH

The program will be starting again this Sunday! In the meantime, please enjoy shiurim from our archives.

The Abraham Arbesfeld Kollel Yom Rishon for Men and Millie Arbesfeld Midreshet Yom Rishon for Women are programs of Yeshiva University's Center for the Jewish Future.


Insights to the Daf with Shiurim for the week of Eruvin 10-16

212.960.5263 | cjf@yu.edu

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Center for the Jewish Future
500 West 185th Street, Furst Hall 419
New York, NY 10033

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