Wednesday, August 26, 2020

FW: Prepare for the Yamim Noraim with Live Shiurim on YUTorah

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From: YUTorah <>
Date: 8/26/20 9:02 AM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: Prepare for the Yamim Noraim with Live Shiurim on YUTorah

Two shiurim every night

Yeshiva University

Prepare for the Yamim Noraim

with live shiurim on YUTorah Aug. 31-Sept. 17

Get access to the teachers of YUTorah live in your home, with special shiurim to appreciate Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur and the period of Teshuva.

Learn More

Mondays, August 31, September 7 and 14

8:00 p.m. EDT

Rabbi Ezra Schwartz

Rosh Yeshiva, RIETS

Teshuva to Hashem, You and Me

8:30 p.m. EDT

Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz

Director, RIETS Semikhah Program

The Laws of the Yamim Noraim

Tuesdays, September 1, 8 and 15

8:00 p.m. EDT

Mrs. Miriam White

High School Educator

Holy Women and the Holy Days

8:30 p.m. EDT

Rabbi Tanchum Cohen

Director and Rosh Chabura, Undergraduate Chabura
Assistant Director, Masmidim Honors Program, YU

Sefer Yonah

Wednesdays, September 2, 9 and 16

8:00 p.m. EDT

Rabbi Elchanan Adler

Rosh Yeshiva, RIETS

Navigating the Machzor: A Closer Look at the Tefilos of the Yamim Noraim

8:30 p.m. EDT

Rabbi Etan Schnall

Faculty, Stone Beit Midrash Program

Getting Practical: Perspectives on the Unique Tefillot of the Yomim Noraim

Thursdays, September 3, 10 and 17

8:00 p.m. EDT

Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Schiffman

Assistant Professor of Jewish Education, YU's Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education

The Psychology of Teshuva

8:30 p.m. EDT

Dr. Rona Novick

Dean, YU's Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education

Making the Yamim Noraim Meaningful for our Children

Center for the Jewish Future
500 West 185th Street, Furst Hall 419
New York, NY 10033
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