Thursday, August 6, 2020

FW: An Update from the Agudah

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-------- Original message --------
From: AGUDAH <>
Date: 8/6/20 12:33 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: An Update from the Agudah

August 6, 2020

Dear Community

We hope this update finds you and your family well.
As we continue our watch on the impact of COVID-19 on the country, state, and city, we must be thankful that life still seems to be shifting towards normalcy in many ways. In addition, Baruch Hashem, there have been very few cases in our community over the last two months with be"H no new serious illnesses over that time. That being said, there has been some concerning news that reminds us of the need to maintain caution. 

As a state, cases are unfortunately on the rise, leading to Illinois being placed on certain other states' travel bans. Additionally, within our community there have been a few small clusters of cases in adults, teenagers and young children in all Chicagoland frum neighborhoods. Several day camps had to temporarily close. The quick responses by the camps and the community have allowed these camps to reopen and helped stem the spread of cases in the community.

We have been told by medical professionals that continuing to maintain vigilance is especially important to the efforts of reopening school with in-person instruction. (See below for additional information on school reopening developments.) Although we did receive the news that Chicago Public School will be doing remote learning, we hope and daven for there to be no spread of new cases and that our schools will be able to re-open (relatively) normally. 

The US Census is well underway. Although our community's participation rate is on the rise, there are many households that have not yet participated. Every individual counted brings approximately $20,000 dollars into the community. For more information on why it is important to participate and for a list of FAQ's, please click here. To fill in the census now, please click here. Additionally, please see below for an exciting census raffle for all those who participate in the census.

Wishing you all the best,
Rabbi Yitzchok Ehrman
Rabbi Yaakov Robinson
Rabbi Shlomo Soroka
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The number of cases and positivity rates in Illinois and, to a slightly lesser extent, the City of Chicago, continue to rise. The metrics in zip codes 60645 and 60659 have also worsened. Thus far, hospitalizations and ICU admissions have not increased significantly in Chicago. While the numbers are not near the levels of March, April and May, there are serious concerns about a resurgence.
Chicago Travel Order Updates: 

The City of Chicago has added a number of states to its travel Order requiring those arriving from designated states to quarantine for 14 days. These new states include Wisconsin, Missouri, North Dakota, and Nebraska. Additionally, the territory of Puerto Rico was added this week. In general, the order only applies to travelers who remain in these states for over 24 hours. There are some other exceptions to the Order (e.g. essential workers, medical care, parental shared custody). Additionally, the Commissioner of Health may grant exemptions based upon an organization's or business' testing and other control policies or in extraordinary circumstances. For more information and a comprehensive FAQ, click here.  If you feel you qualify for an exemption and need assistance, email  
This month, Agudath Israel of America, is proud to present an additional incentive for census participation. Each household that completes the census will be entered into a raffle to win $2,500. Simply send a screenshot that you completed the census to and your family will be included in the pot. If you have already completed the census - no worries! Just complete the form on and you will be included as well.    

The census can be completed at or by calling 773-279-8400, extension 261. 

New Rent Relief Program
The Department of Housing and the Department of Family and Support Services have several initiatives to provide housing cost assistance to Chicago residents impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. A lottery (randomized) system is being used for this program as the demand for the assistance program is expected to be higher than the supply of funding available. If you feel you may be eligible for the housing assistance, you can apply on the Chicago Housing Assistance Portal by clicking here.

If you missed last week's comprehensive update that contained additional relevant information, you can view it here.

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