Thursday, August 27, 2020

Fwd: (NEW VIDEO) This will help you get ready for Shabbos...

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From: Ki Heim Chayeinu <>
Date: Thu, Aug 27, 2020, 9:08 AM
Subject: (NEW VIDEO) This will help you get ready for Shabbos...
To: <>

One hand or two - and what's the significance of each?
Whatever your Minhag, the age-old ritual of fathers blessing their children is one of the most meaningful moments of our week. And Rabbi Paysach Krohn elevates it further with deep insights into each aspect of this Minhag.

How Menashe and Efraim's tenacity in Galus strengthens our resolve as well. The story of the daughter who got the longest Bracha - and the secret it revealed. What Moshe added to the command of Hashem - and the results.
Shir HaShirim: Our Wedding Song
HaRav Eli Mansour
Shabbos is Me'ein
Olam Haba
HaRav Pinches Friedman
Shabbos Shabbos
Siyum on Maseches Shabbos
Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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