Thursday, August 6, 2020

Fwd: An OU Kosher Look at Air Fryers; First Steps to Aliyah; True Meaning of a Long Life

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Date: Thu, Aug 6, 2020, 8:42 PM
Subject: An OU Kosher Look at Air Fryers; First Steps to Aliyah; True Meaning of a Long Life
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Orthodox Union OU Shabbat Shalom Weekly
Project Resilience Begins Monday, August 10—Register to Join Orthodox Union

Register for a series of free virtual courses which aims to strengthen individual and family wellbeing by providing coping strategies and tools during these times of crisis. Project Resilience addresses specific and measurable skills to encourage prevention and healing from the anxiety, depression and trauma experienced by so many over the course of the pandemic.

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Project Resilience Begins Monday, August 10—Register to Join
  Project Resolve
Around the OU
Torat Imecha Sefer Yeshayahu Siyum OU Women's Initiative

Torat Imecha Nach Yomi has finished Sefer Yeshayahu! Join us on Monday for a Siyum with the teachers of this sefer.

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  Torat Imecha Sefer Yeshayahu Siyum
First Steps to Aliyah with Nefesh B'Nefesh SPIRIT Initiative

Thinking about aliyah? Discover how to get started. Plus, explore the Aliyah process, your rights and benefits and learn how to apply.

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  First Steps to Aliyah with Nefesh B'Nefesh
The World Has Changed; Can We? Resolve Together on Shabbat, August 14 Orthodox Union

Project Resolve Together is your resource to reflect on the positive ways that your family has coped, connected and transcended these difficult times. Join us, and resolve together.

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  The World Has Changed; Can We? #Resolvetogether This Shabbat Mevarchim, August 14
This Sunday—Share your BIG Idea OU Impact Accelerator

Gather friends or family (maintain social distance!) and join our week-long, family-friendly competition to plan, create, and pitch your new BIG idea.

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  This Sunday—Share your BIG Idea
Six Years of Preparing for the Unanticipated Allen Fagin

In the Jerusalem Post, OU Executive Vice President, Emeritus, Allen Fagin reflects on his six years of leadership.

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  Six Years of Preparing for the Unanticipated
Bike NCSY—Support the Ride! NCSY

This Sunday, over 170 women and men will proudly display their Bike NCSY jerseys as they embark on rides in support of NCSY teens. Show your support by sponsoring one of our riders.

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  Bike NCSY—Support the Ride!
All Daf Siyum on Masechet Shabbat this Sunday All Daf

Join the virtul siyum as Rabbi Moshe Elefant finishes Masechet Shabbat, Rabbi Moshe Hauer shares divrei beracha, and a shiur on Eruvin is given by Rabbi Hershel Schachter, shlit"a.

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  All Daf Siyum on Masechet Shabbat this Sunday
Nathan Diament in The New York Times: Our Day Schools Need Emergency Response OU Advocacy

The crisis facing schools should be viewed as an emergency: "This is more akin to Hurricane Katrina and Superstorm Sandy than the typical discussions we have about federal support for education," said Nathan Diament.

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  Nathan Diament in The New York Times: Our Day Schools Need Emergency Response
Rocks for Jocks: Tech For The Non-Technical NextDor

A three-part series for business owners and decision makers who aren't tech savvy but can't afford to be left behind.

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  Rocks for Jocks: Tech For The Non-Technical
Watch: Rabbanit Shani Taragin Introduces Sefer Yirmiyahu OU Women's Initiative

The Torat Imecha Nach Yomi program begins a new sefer. Join them today!

Watch here
  Watch: Rabbanit Shani Taragin Introduces Sefer Yirmiyahu
The True Meaning of Living a Long Life Rabbi Menachem Genack

Why did R. Yochanan not understand how people could live long lives outside of Israel? What does living a long life really mean?

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  The True Meaning of Living a Long Life
Eikev: Discipline and Suffering Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

The Torah has much to say, even if the parenting books don't, about discipline.

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  Eikev: Discipline and Suffering
To Really Hear Torah Tidbits

Enjoy Rabbi Judah Mischel on parshat Eikev and more in this week's Torah Tidbits.

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  To Really Hear
Too Late to Light Shabbat Candles? A Traveling Dilemma OU Kosher

A popular traveling Shabbat question is answered in this Halacha Yomis.

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  Too Late to Light Shabbat Candles? A Traveling Dilemma
A Strange Segue Rabbi Shmuel Goldin

A Jew can recognize another Jew today for one reason, and one reason alone.

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  A Strange Segue
The Covenant and the Love Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

The phrase "habrit vehachesed" only appears two places in the Torah—at the end of last week's parsha and at the beginning of this week's.

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  The Covenant and the Love
Dealing with Pain and Anger at God - Part 2 Rabbi Asher Resnick

We need to ask questions to God, not against God. Asking "Why?" is wrong if it is to "judge" God, but essential if it will help us understand our relationship with Him.

Read more
  Dealing with Pain and Anger at God - Part 2
Air Fryers—The Food You Want in a Healthier Way Steven Genack

There are many health benefits to using an air fryer because of the need to use such a small quantity of oil or none at all.

Read more
  Air Fryers—The Food You Want in a Healthier Way
Featured Company: The Only Bean OU Kosher

Check out The Only Bean—pasta made 100% from beans and packed with three times the protein, six times the fiber, and less than half the carbs of traditional pasta.

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  Featured Company: The Only Bean

Parshat Eikev
August 7-8, 2020
18 Av 5780

Isaiah 49:14-51:3

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Featured OU Jobs
Data Systems Manager
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Marketing and Outreach Manager – Yachad Summer
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