Thursday, August 27, 2020

Fwd: Updates for Your Eruvin Learning

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From: The OU Daf Yomi Initiative <>
Date: Thu, Aug 27, 2020, 7:02 PM
Subject: Updates for Your Eruvin Learning
To: <>


Dear All Daf User, 

As the Daf Yomi continues in Maseches Eruvin, Here are a few updates we'd like to share with you:

- The Bringing Eruvin to Life series has posted new videos this week. A two-part series on Mechitzos and an overveiw of the laws of a Reshus HaRabim - both using visuals on a smartboard to enhance your learning experience. Stay tuned for a comprehensive video series on the Laws of Techumin coming soon.

- Thanks to your feedback, we were able to obtain content diagrams courtesy of Daf Yomi Portal and Meoros Daf HaYomi. These diagrams are regularly accompanying shiurim from Rabbi Elefant, Rabbi Rosner, and Rabbi Rubin. They're available on the shiur player page by clicking  "View Accompanying Materials."

Daf HaChaim review diagrams are available on the web and in the app daily under "Reference Materials"

- Our partner, Daf Yomi Advancement Forum, has been providing an English translation of Tosfos on every Daf. They also offer their free Daf Yomi calendars, which include their study material on the reverse side. Click here to view and order your calendar to be sent to your home or office.

- Rabbi Aharon Feldman, Mechaber Sefer Milei D'Eruvin, has been leading us in a weekly Sugyas Hadaf Chabura. Click here for more information and the invite link.

We invite you to watch this two-minute video by Rabbi Mordechai Raizman, Executive Director of Associated Talmud Torahs (ATT) Chicago, discussing a lesson we learn from this week's dafim to share at the Shabbos table. 

Are you interested in sponsoring a Daf Yomi shiur, a series, or to make a general donation regarding a loved one? Click here to view donation options.

Take care and have a wonderful Shabbos,

Moshe P. Schwed
Director, OU Daf Yomi Initiative

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