Thursday, September 17, 2020

Fwd: Statement on Abraham Accords; RH Musaf in Color; Shofar Blowing: What's the Minimum?

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Sep 17, 2020, 9:43 PM
Subject: Statement on Abraham Accords; RH Musaf in Color; Shofar Blowing: What's the Minimum?
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Orthodox Union OU Shabbat Shalom Weekly
Orthodox Union Welcomes Historic Signing of Agreements Between Israel and UAE, Bahrain OU Advocacy

"We welcome the historic and extraordinary dual agreements signed at the White House between Israel and two of her Arab neighbors: the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Bahrain."

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Orthodox Union Welcomes Historic Signing of Agreements Between Israel and UAE, Bahrain
Meeting Your Needs in 5781—Become an OU Member Today Orthodox Union

Partner with us as we continue serving Jewish communities in the weeks and months ahead. A gift of $54 or more entities you to a subscription to Jewish Action and our popular pocket calendar diary.

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Meeting Your Needs in 5781—Become an OU Member Today
  Chag at Home

Yemei Ratzon
Around the OU
Register Now: Torah Yerushalayim—September 22-24 OU Israel

Take your Aseret Yemei Teshuvah and Yom Kippur to the next level. View the lineup of speakers and register for free today.

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  Register Now: Torah Yerushalayim—September 22-24
Yamim Noraim Ideas and Inspiration OU Women's Initiative

Join us Monday and Wednesday for our final two speakers, Rabbanit Rookie Billet and Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman, as they prepare us for Yom Kippur.

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  Yamim Noraim Ideas and Inspiration
Chag at Home—Your Ultimate High Holiday Toolkit Torah Initiatives

Includes guide to davening at home, how to forgive, family discussion guides, activity sheets for youth, and a wide selection of articles. Just browse and download one compiled PDF.

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  Chag at Home—Your Ultimate High Holiday Toolkit
Treasuring Connection, Community and Each Other Orthodox Union

Discover a collection of resources to help you prepare for the Yomim Noraim.

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  Treasuring Connection, Community and Each Other
Watch: Nutrition for a Healthy Brain and Memory SPIRIT Initiative

Join certified nutritionist Shmuel Shields, PhD, and learn about foods to protect the aging brain, food and supplements to boost memory and reducing risks for cognitive decline and dementia.

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  Watch: Nutrition for a Healthy Brain and Memory
Kosher Crisis Hits $19 Billion Market With Rabbis Stuck at Home Bruce Einhorn

Bloomberg provides a look at the Kashrut industry, with input from OU Kosher COO Rabbi Moshe Elefant.

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  Kosher Crisis Hits $19 Billion Market With Rabbis Stuck at Home
How Are Orthodox Jews Observing the High Holidays During the COVID-19 Pandemic? Jeffery Martin

OU Executive Vice President Rabbi Moshe Hauer is featured in Newsweek's report on shuls' High Holidays prep.

Read more
  How Are Orthodox Jews Observing the High Holidays During the COVID-19 Pandemic?
The Sweeping Story of Rosh Hashana Musaf—in Color! Rabbi Barry Kornblau

The longest prayer of the year can be tough to grasp. This innovative and color-coded study/prayer guide is here to help.

Read more
  The Sweeping Story of Rosh Hashana Musaf—in Color!
Willing to Change - Rosh Hashana Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

Will we be willing to change this coming year?

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  Willing to Change - Rosh Hashana
Three Who Cried Rabbi Norman Lamm, z"tl

Those to whom tears are not the distillation of vain illusions or morbid resignation, but the dewdrops of creative moral heroism shall sow the seeds of hope.

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  Three Who Cried
Halacha Yomis: What is the Minimum Amount of Shofar Blowing One is Required to Hear? OU Kosher

Halacha Yomis explores a timely Rosh Hashana question.

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  Halacha Yomis: What is the Minimum Amount of Shofar Blowing One is Required to Hear?
A New Approach to the Order of Musaf on Rosh Hashana Rabbi Menachem Genack

Why do we read the verses from Ketuvim before the verses from Nevi'im in the Musaf prayer of Rosh Hashana? A new approach.

Read more
  A New Approach to the Order of Musaf on Rosh Hashana
Semichas Chaver Program Guide to Rosh Hashana Torah Tidbits

Explore this and more in a special Rosh Hashana edition of Torah Tidbits.

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  Semichas Chaver Program Guide to Rosh Hashana
Watch: Bringing Eruvin to Life All Daf

In this next video in the series, follow Rabbi Schwed up in a cherry picker to measure if wires are properly placed over the "door posts."

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  Watch: Bringing Eruvin to Life
COVID-19 Update for the Yomim Noraim Rabbi Aaron E. Glatt, MD

Rabbi Dr. Glatt provides insight on some best practices to adhere to this yom tov season.

Watch here
  COVID-19 Update for the Yomim Noraim
Featured Company: Bimble OU Kosher

As we approach Rosh Hashana, when our use of honey for all the Jewish Holidays is at its peak, it's time to check out Bimble—a beverage that is sweetened with honey.

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  Featured Company: Bimble
Daf HaKashrus OU Kosher

Rosh Hashana is the new year for vegetables as well as people. This Daf HaKashrus looks at a specific vegetable category: spices.

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  Daf HaKashrus

Rosh Hashana
September 18-20, 2020
1-2 Tishrei 5781

This Shabbat
First day of Rosh Hashana

Special Days
Second day of Rosh Hashana is celebrated on Sunday, September 20
The Fast of Gedaliah is observed on Monday, September 21

Featured OU Jobs
Data Systems Manager
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Principal Researcher
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Marketing and Outreach Manager – Yachad Summer
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