Thursday, October 1, 2020

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 13 Tishrei 5781/October 1, 2020

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From: Agudath Israel of America <>
Date: Thu, Oct 1, 2020, 6:41 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 13 Tishrei 5781/October 1, 2020
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Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual.
October 1, 2020 - 13 Tishrei 5781
News from the Agudah:

  • New York State residents: Please see below for an important note from our advocacy team about a communication from the Department of Health.
  • As we get ready for Yom Tov, please note that the Yerach Ha'eysonim Yarchei Kallah program for hilchos Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkos will continue this Chol Hamoed with special yom tov related shiurim. See below for full schedule and login information.

  • As you have no doubt heard from us many times before, we encourage every US citizen to register and vote in the upcoming elections. With many community members currently residing or studying in Israel and other countries, the Agudah has compiled a comprehensive voting guide for U.S Citizens residing overseas. See below for the guide and more relevant information.

  • Even more on voting: If you are unable to go to the polls for COVID-19 or any other reason, you can request an absentee ballot in your state. Click here to see the deadlines for when each state's absentee ballots are due.

  • Lastly, we thought we'd share a story with you that just happened the week before Yom Kippur, when our Constituent Services department was able to assist an individual in a U.S. Army program in observing Yom Kippur! See below for the whole story.
NYS Health Department to Monitor COVID-19 Compliance 
Over the last few days, Agudah Chairman of the Board Mr. Shlomo Werdiger, Executive Vice President Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel and Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, Director of New York Government Relations were among a group of Jewish leaders on a number of calls with both Governor Andrew Cuomo and State Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker regarding the increasing number of COVID cases in Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods in New York State.
Today, Dr. Zucker informed us that DOH officials will be actively sent into the affected neighborhoods both to prevent large gatherings and enforce mask wearing. We remind and implore everyone to adhere to government regulations. We urgently need to stay safe. In addition, the ability of our Shuls, Yeshivas, and neighborhood businesses to remain open depends on the infection rate in our communities.
Further, we ask that if you are visited, please demonstrate your cooperation with government authorities. We are at risk of another shutdown of our shuls, schools, and businesses. Let's not go back there.
May all of Klal Yisroel enjoy a most joyous Yom Tov in good health.

Yarchei Kallah
The program continues on Monday with a 11:00 AM Hachanah Shiur followed by a 11:00 AM shiur by Rabbi Shraga Kallus on Inyan Mitzvahs Chag HaSukkos.

The Zoom access link is and the call in number is 1-646-558-8656, access code: 835-286-77424.
Overseas Voting
With the US elections just over a month away, the deadline to register to vote in most states is rapidly approaching and for those voting overseas it is important to take action right away.
Agudath Israel encourages all US citizens to register and vote in the upcoming elections and is conducting voter registration and mobilization drives in many cities. With many community members currently residing or studying in Israel and other countries, the Agudah has compiled a comprehensive voting guide for U.S Citizens residing overseas. 
The guide, that can be accessed by clicking here, provides all the necessary information for those who are confused about the overseas voting process, which has become even more complicated during COVID-19. Agudath Israel encourages everyone to read this pamphlet and to share it with relatives and friends living or studying abroad.  In addition, Agudah created a chart with voter registration deadlines and other helpful information for each state which can be found here.
For voting related questions or assistance, email or call 212.797.9000 Extension 218.  
Constituent Services
A few days before Yom Kippur, Agudath Israel's Constituent Services Department received a call from Rabbi Avraham Gluck, the Chabad shaliach at Purdue University in Indiana. Rabbi Gluck was calling to ask for assistance on behalf of a student who is a junior at the university's ROTC (U.S. Army) program. 

The student's professor, an army captain, had denied her request for a day off on Yom Kippur. If she were absent against her professor's wishes, it would be detrimental to her school record. 

Constituent Services, which has a wide range of experience in this field of advocacy, immediately leapt into action and wrote to the captain and ROTC office manager.  

The letter was effective.  According to the student, when the professor received this letter, he called her over and asked in consternation, "Who in the world are these people in New York writing to me?" He was astounded at the network of Jews from around the country helping one another.  

This incredible story has a happy ending because within a day of receiving the letter, the instructor relented and gave her the day off. 

Many people aren't aware of how many Yidden struggle to keep Yomim Tovim. During this time of year, Agudath Israel's Constituents services regularly receives these kinds of calls from individuals desperate to keep Yom Tov to the best of their ability. Constituent Services is proud to help them and invites all who need assistance to be in touch by calling 212.797.9000 extension 335 or by emailing 

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