Monday, November 30, 2020

Aneinu Tefillos Needed - Covid List

Tefillos needed for my parents, PEREL BRACHA bas CHANA and ELIEZER ben GENENDEL who have Covid-19.  My father is in Northwest Community Hospital trying to hang on.  My mom the last two days (since Shabbat) has taken a bad turn. She was at Elevate Care in Riverwoods and then they rushed her to Condell Hospital. Mom now has pneumonia.  Please DAVEN for them.  Neither one is eating nor drinking.  Thank you. Sorah Weiss CHICAGO COVID CHOLIM LIST Akiva Mordechai ben Sarah - Akiva Criddell Binyamin ben Rose Dovid ben Chaya Rivkah - Rabbi David Montrose Eliezer ben Genendel - Sorah Weiss' Father Francine bas Sarah Ettel - Francine Atlas Miriam Esther bat Sarah Nurit bas Devorah Etta - Nurit Rowner Perel Bracha bas Chana - Sorah Weiss' Mother Sara Leah bas Mira Shmuel Ben Rochel Yenta Yaakov Gershon ben Chaya Gita – Mr. Muskat Yitzchok ben Rochel – Yitzchok Rosenberg Yosef Kalman ben Toiba – Rabbi Wainkrantz

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