Friday, November 20, 2020

FW: [aneinu] An Update from the Agudah

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From: 'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu <>
Date: 11/20/20 1:15 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: Chicago Aneinu <>
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] An Update from the Agudah

From: AGUDAH <>
Sent: Fri, Nov 20, 2020 12:39 pm
Subject: An Update from the Agudah

November 20, 2020

Dear Community,

We hope that this letter finds you and your family healthy and well. 

Mazel tov to the Maggidei Shiur and Lomdei Hadaf on the completion of Maseches Eruvin! This Sunday night at 8 PM, Chicago will have the zechus of hosting the National Siyum of Agudath Israel of America. The virtual only event will feature divrei bracha from Harav Shmuel Yehuda Levin shlit"a and a Power Point presentation by Rabbi Shlomo Francis and Rabbi Yonason Glenner. Please see below for details how to join. For those not currently learning Daf Yomi, NOW is a great time to join. The siyum on Pesachim will be just a few days before Pesach. For a full list of Chicago's Daf Yomi shiurim, please see below. 

Next weekend will be the annual National Agudah Convention. As always, there will be many timely and fascinating sessions, plus there will be two sessions based out of Chicago. See below for details.

The current surge of Covid-19 cases has certainly shaken up our daily lives and is threatening the ability of our mosdos and shuls to function normally. Baruch Hashem, the community has responded responsibly during this period and B'ezras Hashem the numbers will turn around shortly. We understand that many families have been on quarantine for extended periods of time and that this is a serious source of stress and other challenges. We have been thinking of ways to help ease the burden on these families and all of the households in our community. We were pleased to offer quarantine food and toy boxes and to make the Antonia Spitzer library available to dozens of these families. In addition, we hope to offer new programs and services in the weeks ahead. If you have any ideas of what we can do to help, we would like to hear from you. 

Finally, the deadline to make STC contributions is rapidly approaching. The Agudah hosted several well-attended virtual seminars this week and the funds are steadily coming in. That being said, there is so much more that our community can do to help our families and schools, especially when the expense is so small and the benefit so large. If you have not done so already, now is the time to reserve your credits and make your contribution.
Wishing each of you good health and brachos in your homes. May our continued tefillos and hishtadlus bring a speedy end to this crisis. 


Rabbi Yitzchok Ehrman
Rabbi Yaakov Robinson
Rabbi Shlomo Soroka
This year's national Agudah Convention will be like no other! A robust and inspiring program includes speeches from our leading Gedolei Yisroel, as well as presentations and panels with some of the most dynamic and sought-after public speakers.  
There is also a special Chicago flavor. The panel on chinuch features Maran HaGaon Harav Shmuel Yehuda Levin along with Rabbi Heshy Forster and Rabbi Nosson Muller, moderated by Rabbi Ari Strulowitz. A session on behind-the-scenes rabbinical perspectives features Rabbi Zev Cohen, Rabbi Henoch Plotnik and Rabbi Yaakov Robinson
Thursday night's Convention Chairman will be Rabbi Shlomo Soroka.  

For more information, visit 

The deadlines for reserving tax credits and helping fund student scholarships under the Illinois Invest in Kids Act are quickly approaching.

It's much simpler and more relevant than people think.

This week, in conjunction with the experts at Miller Cooper & Co., Agudah hosted virtual webinars for community members, financial professionals and business owners. Each presentation was followed by live Q&A for participants. The feedback was excellent and many people gained a newfound clarity in how the program can work for them.

"The program was amazing. I already requested a letter id and I'm on my way to donate!" M.G.

"Thank you for providing such a relevant, informative and clear presentation. I always knew STC was a great program but since I usually get a tax refund, I didn't know how I could take advantage of the program. Now I know that you don't have to be making millions to join this program and that even if I get a refund, I am still paying taxes. Thank you!"

Missed it? Wondering how you can take advantage of this program.



Click on the Individuals tab
Request a Letter ID
Citywide Data
Data for 60645
Data for 60659

On Tuesday, Governor Pritzker announced that the entire State of Illinois will move into "Tier 3 Resurgence Mitigations" effective Today, November 20, 2020. The new mitigation requirements to combat the surge of COVID-19 include limiting all indoor gatherings to household members. Schools and places of worship are exempt from the new measures. The new requirements can be viewed here.  
Relief for Families in Quarantine 

Are you or a family member ill with Covid-19? Is your family currently under quarantine?

Being isolated, especially in cramped quarters while feeling sick can be beyond stressful. Agudah is trying to find ways to make it just a little easier to handle through special entertainment boxes and hot dinners.  If you or a family you know is currently quarantined, please let us know so we can deliver a box and make life a bit more bearable. Please note, this initiative is currently available for quarantined households only, not individuals. 

Call 773-279-8400 Ext 240 and leave a message with your home address. We will do our best to meet the demand.

Israel is only allowing certain individuals into the country. Those who qualify under the current rules need to apply for an entry permit through the Israeli Consulate. If you are planning a trip and are having trouble getting an entry permit, email or call us for assistance.     

Agudath Israel of Illinios has helped mutiple constituents who were eligible for a stimulus check but didn't receive theirs. Tomorrow, November 21 is the last day to request yours online.


On Monday evening, December 7, at 7:30 PM, Senator Ram Villivalam will be hosting a Virtual Town Hall along with Alderman Debra Silverstein geared specifically for the Jewish community. 

Topics of interest to you will be addressed. If there's an area you would like to hear about, please let us know and we'll be happy to pass it on. Alternatively, you can wait and ask your questions live.

The Town Hall will be followed by an hour of constituent services to assist you with everything from Unemployment and PUA to Covid resources, Utility Billing Relief and other public assistance programs. To register and reserve your spot, click here.   

Mayor's Visit
Mayor Lori Lightfoot recently visited the 50th Ward and reached out to Rabbi Soroka for a brief meeting. Among topics discussed were the number of Covid-19 cases in the Orthodox community, safety measures at religious gatherings, how our families are dealing with illness and quarantine, and making sure children have access to safe in-person learning.  
STC Application 2021 

SAVE THE DATE! Big Shoulder Fund will open scholarship applications for the coming school year on January 12, 2021, at 8:00 AM. Empower Illinois will go live with their application on January 13, 2021, at 7:00 PM. Plans for a community-wide event have been complicated due to safety concerns and current state and city orders. We are working through different options to address the community need. We will share details as they become available.  

CPS Presentation – KiwiKids

As school leaders across the city are struggling to provide children with educational programming conducive to learning amidst a Covid-19 surge, Agudah was invited to make a presentation to the Mayor's PK-12 Working Group. The objective was to share a leadership project that others would find inspiring and instructive. Rabbi Shlomo Soroka shared with the group how Agudah adapted the Kiwi Kids program to meet the community need and helped other communities across the country do the same. Kiwi Kids is currently providing over a half million meals a month in Illinois and nearly one million meals a month throughout the Midwest.    

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