Friday, November 6, 2020

FW: Emergency Tehillim and Chizuk: this Saturday night, November 7th at 8:30PM via Live Stream

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-------- Original message --------
From: Daily Giving <>
Date: 11/6/20 10:34 AM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: Emergency Tehillim and Chizuk: this Saturday night, November 7th at 8:30PM via Live Stream


By Michael Feldstein, in conjunction with CHAZAQ and, will be sponsoring an emergency tehillim and chizuk event this Saturday night, November 7th at 8:30PM, featuring renowned Rabbanim Rabbi Yisroel Reisman, the Rav at Agudas Yisroel of Madison and Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshivas Torah Voda'as, and Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff, the Rav of Agudath Israel Bais Binyomin in Brooklyn. Both Rabbanim grew up with Rabbi Greenberg.

The program is being organized for the complete and speedy recovery of Rabbi Alter Shmuel Greenberg, the spiritual leader of the Young Israel of White Plains, who is in critical condition and has been hospitalized for more than a month suffering from COVID-19. In addition to his role of Rabbi at the Young Israel, Rabbi Greenberg has also been a Rebbe at the Westchester Hebrew High School in Mamaroneck, and the Mashgiach at Yeshivas Ohr Hachaim in Queens. He's held each of these positions for over 30 years.

The White Plains Jewish community has rallied around its beloved morah d'asra since he became ill, organizing a Go Fund Me campaign that raised more than $300,000 in one week to build a mikveh in the community, one of Rabbi Greenberg's long-time dreams. The plans are already under way to move ahead with the construction.

Three separate WhatsApp groups – each consisting of 250 individuals—make sure to recite tehillim for Rabbi Greenberg's refuah, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Every Shabbos, there are over 15 completed rounds of tehillim that are said on behalf of Rabbi Greenberg.

On most Friday nights, 40 individuals recite Shir Hashirim in Rabbi Greenberg's merit, and another 40 individuals bake challah on his behalf.

"It's really incredible how the entire Westchester community has come together to daven and perform acts of chesed on behalf of Rabbi Greenberg. He has given so much of himself to so many. I've never seen a Rabbi so beloved by those from all different spectrums of Judaism." said Jonathan Donath, the co-founder of, a unique effort that allows one to automatically donate $1 a day to tzedaka. Daily Giving was started in Rabbi Greenberg's shul and Rabbi Greenberg is on its Rabbinical Council with Rav Herschel Shachter, Rav Moshe Tuvia Lieff, and Rabbi Paysach Krohn. "Since he has been hospitalized, more than 200 new individuals have signed up for Daily Giving as a zechus for Rabbi Greenberg's Refuah bringing the total to over $4,000 of Tzedaka given out every single day."

Rabbi Shmuel Greenberg's father, who was a well-known Rav at the Young Israel of Midwood for many decades, passed away just a few weeks before Rabbi Greenberg himself was hospitalized. And Rabbi Greenberg's brother unfortunately died of COVID-19 in April this year.

New shiurim have been started at the Young Israel of White Plains dedicated to the complete and speedy recovery of Rabbi Greenberg. Rabbi Avi Hoffman started a late night parsha shiur on Wednesday's at 10pm which have gotten rave reviews, and there is a weekly women's class that has also been organized on Wednesday evenings in order to learn on Rabbi Greenberg's behalf. 

Rabbi Yaakov Bienenfeld, the Rav of the Young Israel of Harrison and a close friend of Rabbi Greenberg for more than 40 years, leads a tehillim call every night that regularly attracts between 100 and 200 people for the past month. Rabbi Greenberg's son Nachum is now giving a daily Kitzur Shulchan Aruch class through Whatsapp as well.

The emergency tehillim program with Rabbi Reisman and Rabbi Lieff will be streamed live on at 8:30PM this Saturday night, and is available to all those who log in at no charge. If you would like to join any of the Tehillim groups or get more information on the Shiurim being given for Rabbi Greenberg, please email Please consider giving $1 of Tzedaka each day through in merit of a Refuah Shleima for Rav Alter Shmuel ben Chava Leah.
Please help us spread the word! 

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