Sunday, November 29, 2020

FW: Instead of Tikkun Klali, Psalm 100!

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-------- Original message --------
From: "rachel avrahami -" <>
Date: 11/29/20 4:36 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: 'Shmuel Avrahami' <>
Subject: Instead of Tikkun Klali, Psalm 100!


Thank you for your past participation in Tikkun Klali 1000! This time, Rabbi Arush has called upon us to join him in a new campaign - 

1 million Mizmor L'Todah (Psalm 100) between now and the last day of Chanukah, Zot Chanukah!

We are living in unprecedented times. We need merits to get through all the difficulties!

Even more than that – come start thanking Hashem and join me in Heaven on Earth! You can't imagine the sweet life that is thanking Hashem, and the miracles that await you!


The One Million Campaign

Rabbi Arush has launched a campaign to say 1 million Psalm 100, Mizmor L'Todah through the end of Chanukah!

We can get there a lot easier than you think – if we do it together!

How many Psalm 100 can you say a day, through and including Zot Chanukah (Friday Dec. 18, 2020, before sunset wherever you live)?

For instance, I have taken upon myself to say 10 Mizmor L'Todah a day. For me, that's about 10 minutes. From today, Sun. Nov 29, through Zot Chanukah, is exactly 20 days. 10 x 20 = 200 Psalm 100 that I am taking upon myself, to help us get to 1 million! Even if you can only do one a day, that still adds up to 20!

It's so easy to join! Just email how many a day you are taking upon yourself, including today to get them added to the count!

Even if you don't feel comfortable taking upon yourself a set amount a day, that's okay too.

Either way, make yourself a reminder and say as many as you can every day!

Even more important – share this campaign with everyone!

It isn't up to you to say them all yourself – it IS up to you to help get more people to say them too!


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RT Avrahami - English Editor
Israel Cell: 058-320-5057  *  USA VOIP: 323-992-6090 (Rings in Israel!)

Join the group of the Redemption. Say right now: "I love every Jew!"
Rabbi Arush says that EVERYTHING is ready for the Redemption with mercy, but we lack one thing only - SHALOM. Peace, love and unity amongst the Jewish people. Get on the Redemption train - no one should be left behind! And open the door to the miracles you need!

Corona is Gematria - bein adam l'chaver (357) - the interpersonal laws between man and fellow man. 
We must learn the laws, pray to fulfill them, and then try our very best. Especially - not to speak about any Jew, or want to hear anything about them! And especially, not one word about a Torah scholar, from whatever group he may be!

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