Sunday, November 1, 2020

Fwd: 26th Yahrtzeit Events for Shlomo Carlebach

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The Shlomo Carlebach Foundation announces
ONLINE 26th Yahrtzeit concerts, in memory of
Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach zt"l, and ONLINE program at the Kever

26th Yahrzeit Concert
Shir HaShirim Asher L'Shlomo
Nov. 2, 2020 - 16 Heshvan
 8:30 pm

A special virtual online production of the songs of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach z"l, marking the 26th yahrzeit, with some of the best musical artists and an extended orchestra.

Participating artists: Yonatan Razel, Aharon Razel, Yitzhak Meir, Yehudah Katz, Chezki Sofer, Bini Landau, Dvir Spiegel, Yisrael Nachman, Naftali Kampa, HaShlilitzim, and musical orchestra "Lehava".
Get your FREE tickets and link - click button below or:

Register for your FREE tickets/online link here!

Worldwide Disciples - Reb Shlomo Carlebach on his 26th Yahrzeit
A blog from Jeffrey Levine (edited)

On the evening on November 2, begins the 26th Yahrzeit of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach z"l. Reb Shlomo, as he was known to his followers, continues to inspire a joyful, singing form of prayer and connection to God, others and oneself.

The past year, with the challenges of Covid19, has seen the rise of online, Zoom gatherings. In many ways, we're connected and we chose a myriad of different events to attend. This is also true in the world of the Shlomo chevra. There has been much unity, and shared Zoom events, led by Yeshivat Simchat Shlomo, Ohel Shlomo, The Shlomo Carlebach Foundation, The Moshav, and The Shlomo Katz Project, who launched new initiatives to spread the holy teachings that we were blessed to receive from Reb Shlomo over the years.

Reb Shlomo music, stories, and messages continue to be an inspiration to his diverse followers.On his 26th Yahrtzeit, there's a number of online events around the world. Here are posters of some of the upcoming events. 

  Buy tickets and view above kumzitz this Motzei Shabbat - click here -

View Shlomo Katz & Eitan Katz Sunday at:  or  or  or

Register to watch above event on Sunday at:

Live and in person on Monday in Ramat Beit Shemesh

View Wachtel on Tuesday - to watch:

To view above program on Monday, go to Faceback page of היכל התרבות פתח תקוה

To view above program on Wednesday, go to Faceback page of תרבות יהודית רעננה 

For details see:

One of Reb Shlomo's key messages was that we live in a broken world, we are all broken, and we never know what the other person's challenges are. Through his life, and through the Jewish historical journey, he was in essence a Soul Doctor – not only through his music, but also through his storytelling. In fact, both music and the power of storytelling are so integral to our current generation – not only in the Jewish world. We have a lot to be grateful for Reb Shlomo's legacy.

For a more detailed biography, please see:
He inspired and continues to inspire generations of soul seekers, teachers, and musicians as the featured video in this blog testifies.

As usual, there are a variety of activities surrounding his Yahrtzeit. This year, on the 26th anniversary of his passing, is music and influence is growing. Just look at the Shabbat Project, where most of the tunes of Kabballat Shabbat and Havdalah are his. In fact, any Jewish gathering that involves a guitar may  have its roots with Reb Shlomo.

There is a growing interest in his music and message among different "tribes", including Chareidi followers.  If you wanted to witness real unity and inspiration, it was evident at past yahrtzeit gatherings at his gravesite, attended by hundreds of Jews of all stripes…

This year, the YAHRZEIT event at the KEVER will be commemorated and broadcast live on Facebook Live, due to government Covid 19 regulations and restrictions. Live Link to Yahrtzeit at the KEVER: The program starts at approximately 3 pm on Thursday, November 3, and lasts bout 2 hours. You can expect to hear Tehillim sung to the tunes of Reb Shlomo's niggunim, accompanied by instruments.

After this, there is a Mincha tefilla that's just out of this world, a small piece of heaven you may say, and lasts over an hour. The service is also sung to the tunes of various moving niggunim and is an absolute must. For a glimpse of how spectacular this can be, just a search on YouTube or see: Previous year's video sample

Kol Chevra Publication
One of the most dedicated disciples of Reb Shlom is Emuna Witt. She has brought out Kol Chevra, now in its 26th year. Kol Chevra is a journal of inspirational stories in memory of the Reb Shlomo Carlebach, zt'l, who brought hundreds of thousands of Jewish youth back to their roots with his original heart-warming melodies and soul reaching teachings. This is available on Amazon - click on the link to order:
Here is a short PR Video by Emuna

What is the power of Reb Shlomo's music?

Shlomo Carlebach's legacy is in uniting the Jewish people more and more every year — through his Torahs and melodies, through prayer and action.  This unity,  and his message of Ahavat Yisrael – unconditional love of every Jew and person, is needed more than ever today.

The whole world is singing Shlomo melodies – Shlomo's melodies are everywhere – at the Kotel, on Erev Shabbat at shuls all around the world, at simchas, weddings -  anywhere where Jews are trying to get closer to Hashem through music…
But to a lot of people – these is just inspirational music… They do not know there is another world to Shlomo –his Torah, his message of the deeper connections to Shabbat, prayer, closeness to Hashem, his love for every Jew, Jerusalem, Israel,  and the holy soldiers. The list is endless. He was passionate about so many important issues.

So what was unique about Reb Shlomo Carlebach? Reb Shlomo was a gate opener.

Gates – Shlomo opened many gates, and even now his music, Torahs, teachings and stories, are still opening many gates.  Gates allow people to either come in or leave. Shlomo opened so many gates to so many people and these gates are still being opened through the use of methods of outreach, music, stories and more.

So, what are these gates?

The gate of Jewish music – Shlomo's music is so much a part of mainstream Jewish music that it is impossible to identify it.  In fact, when inquiries were made about collecting royalties, his melodies were identified as national music, as a national treasure. From Am Yisrael Chai to Holocaust memorials, from weddings to Kumzitzes – communal singing.

The gate to Jewish education & inspiration – Shlomo opened a new spiritual path that combines Judaism with its spiritual and creative side. As a result, we have three generations of teachers leading this. These soul doctors include environmentalists, artists, and musicians combining their talents with Torah & Jewish mysticism. Other examples include Yeshivat Simchat Shlomo in Jerusalem, The House of Love and Prayer in Safed (and Tel Aviv), or the numerous Carlebach Friday night services, which are havens for those seeking a closer connection to God through Judaism.
The gate of Jewish caring – social awareness – enhancing the rights of women. There is so much to write about here. Shlomo opened so many gates here.

About the Author
Jeffrey Levine is a Blogger, Entrepreneur, and Philanthropist (we can only dream) living in Jerusalem. He is a young grandfather has five kids and four grandchildren. He is looking to spread the message of Ahavat Yisrael and Jewish Unity through music and stories, through and blogging.

Useful Links                                                                                     

Want more inspiration – Other Sites dedicated to Red Shlomo are:

Carlebach Center at the Moshav

The Shlomo Carlebach Foundation, Mevo Modi'im 11 D. N. Hamercaz, 7312200, Israel 

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