Thursday, November 26, 2020

Fwd: Do you have a Yhartzeit that is meaningful to you?

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From: Michael Rothschild <>
Date: Thu, Nov 26, 2020, 1:06 PM
Subject: Do you have a Yhartzeit that is meaningful to you?
To: <>

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B"H four years ago Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation published an amazing book entitled "Positive Vision" on Shmiras Eynaim.
Positive Vison offers strategies and insights based solidly on Torah hashkafah combined with a deep understanding of the challenges we face in today's world.
Due to the success of the book, to make it more widely available and useful, we will be printing a pocket version, so one can learn at work, at school and during travel.
Do you have a yhartzeit that is meaningful to you?
Would you like to dedicate a date in this daily learning sefer in memory or in honor of a loved one?
The funds raised from this project will go towards teaching a new generation of children the absolute imperatives of Ahavas Yisrael,  Shmiras Haloshon and Shmiras Eynaim.
A dedication of a date is $500. A dedication of a month if $1,800.  Please reply, if you would like to make a dedication.
Thank you and tizku l'mitzvos.

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361 Spook Rock Rd. Suffern, NY 10901

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