Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Fwd: Giving Thanks

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From: Dr. Ari Berman, President, Yeshiva University <>
Date: Wed, Nov 25, 2020, 12:31 PM
Subject: Giving Thanks
To: <>

Yeshiva University

Office of the President

Dear Friends,


This year is an especially important Thanksgiving Day. Over the past few months, the entire world has suffered incredible losses and, in turn, we have all been reminded of the incredible blessings of so much we could have otherwise taken for granted. Our essential freedoms, health, and safety have developed a newfound significance that merits our attention and appreciation.


There is a Jewish custom that the first word we utter every morning is Modeh, meaning thanks. Beginning each day by thanking God frames the lens through which one confronts each morning. So much has gone wrong the past few months, but we begin with Modeh, to first acknowledge all that has gone right. We begin our days by being thankful for our blessings, no matter the circumstances.


While many families will be apart this Thanksgiving, there is a special quality to our collective focus on appreciation. When we join together as a community, in whatever way, to express gratitude, we are reminded that at the center of our collective appreciation is the support we provide one another.


This Thanksgiving Day, I am especially thankful to our incredible Yeshiva University community. Our students, rabbis, faculty, administration, alumni, friends, lay leaders and parents, have each exemplified the graciousness, commitment and mutual support that make me so proud to be a part of Yeshiva University. Thank you all so much!

This year, more than ever, I encourage each of you to find someone in your life who has made the past few months a little easier and thank them. Whether it is a professor, a dean, an administrator, a parent, or someone from our alumni network--we have all been helping one another. Find someone who you have not yet had the opportunity to thank and send them a note, call them, write them an email. Together, we will continue to support one another and ensure that our community, no matter the circumstance, is built on a foundation of gratitude.


Wishing you all a safe, healthy, and wonderful Thanksgiving!




Dr. Ari Berman

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