Thursday, November 26, 2020

Fwd: Welcome To Pesachim part 2

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From: The OU Daf Yomi Initiative <>
Date: Thu, Nov 26, 2020, 7:30 PM
Subject: Welcome To Pesachim
To: <>


Welcome to all those who signed up to learn Pesachim for Pesach! 

You are one of close to 2,000 who signed up to this campaign, but more importantly you have joined thousands of Jews learning daf yomi around the world.

The daf can be challenging, and the All Daf app is here to assist you everyday.
Check out all the features that All Daf has to offer in this app explainer video.

Check out the many shiuirim and supplemental clips we have to offer that will enhance your daf learning experience.

Stay with the daf. If you miss a day, write it down and get back to it when you can – the important thing is to stay up-to-date.

Check out the Zichru portal (found in the menu) that will certainly elevate your learning experience with a quick and easy way to remember 3 points in the daily daf. 

An introduction to every daf and an image enhanced daf review by Daf HaChaim are great tools to prepare or review the daf. Find them in the supplemental clips section.

Raffles: Starting this coming Thursday (12.04.20) will be the first of the weekly raffles. All winners must still be learning Pesachim to get their prize

Stay up to date by following All Daf on WhatsApp status or allowing in app notifications. Subscribe to our WhatsApp status

Are you interested in sponsoring a Daf Yomi shiur, a series, or to make a general donation regarding a loved one? Click here to view donation options.

Wishing you much success in your learning,

Moshe P. Schwed
Director, OU Daf Yomi Initiative

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