Monday, November 23, 2020

Fwd: Welcome To Pesachim

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From: The OU Daf Yomi Initiative <>
Date: Mon, Nov 23, 2020, 10:40 AM
Subject: Welcome To Pesachim
To: <>


Welcome to all current and new All Daf users!
LAST CHANCE to sign up for our Pesachim for Pesach Initiative. Click here for all the details.
We're working on a schedule of presentations that will accompany the Daf as we journey through Pesachim. 

Whether this is your primary source of daf yomi learning or your resource for review or preparation we are certain that you'll find quality shiurim that will enhance your learning experience. There are many styles of shiurim available, including The Quick Daf by Rabbi Zecharya Resnik which is an average 18 minute shiur, two Yiddish shiurim, shiurim by the world renowned daf yomi maggidei shiur Rabbi Shalom Rosner, Rabbi Moshe Elefant, Rabbi Aryeh Leibowitz, Rabbi Sruly Bornstein, Rabbi Eli Stefansky, Rabbi Eli Mansour and more. Each, in their own unique way, will guide you to a greater understanding of the daf. 
Be sure to check out our supplemental material, from Daf Intros and reviews by Daf HaChaim and Rabbi Shloime Schwartzberg to Jewish History on the Daf, from Short Machshavah On The Daf to Lomdus On The Daf, from Daf In Practice to a new one minute video series of inspiration on the daf.
Our goal is customer satisfaction - giving each user an enjoyable and smooth learning experience. Feel free to reach out with comments, suggestions, and real feedback. This will enable us to forge ahead with our Harbotzas HaTorah at the highest level. 

Stay up to date by following All Daf on WhatsApp status or allowing in app notifications. Subscribe to our WhatsApp status

Are you interested in sponsoring a Daf Yomi shiur, a series, or to make a general donation regarding a loved one? Click here to view donation options.

Moshe P. Schwed
Director, OU Daf Yomi Initiative


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Last Cycle Mazel Tov for finishing Eruvin and starting Pesachim blog post.

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