Friday, December 4, 2020

Aneinu Important Information! - Covid List - Shabbos Tehillim Spreadsheet

BS"D Dear Aneinu Members,   There has been some confusion regarding how to say Tehillim for Cholim on Shabbos. One of our members has been in contact with posek HaRav Doniel Neustadt, shlit"a for clarification and was given the following guidance:   Regarding the Shabbos Tehillim organized by Aneinu and said by community members (individually, not in physical groups) who are emailed erev Shabbos the Aneinu list of cholim in our community:   1. For those cholim who are in a matzav of "Yom Sakana" (critical condition), Aneinu will delineate their names, and Tehillim participants may say before saying their Shabbos Tehillim:  Refuah Shlema L' Each name of Choleh/Cholah in yom sakana -B'soch She’ar Cholei Yisroel. - מִלִּזְעֹק וּרְפוּאָה קְרוֹבָה לָבֹא שַׁבָּת הִיא  -  Shabbos hee mi'liz'ok u'refuah kerova lavo   (I will do my best to highlight the names of those with Covid in sakanas hayom. )     2. On behalf of the other cholim, (not enumerating by name), we may then say:   L'zchus (as a merit for) the Cholim of our community and L'zchus our community. Then recite your Tehillim.    Of course, you may choose to follow your own Posek.     With that in mind, please remember to say your Tehillim this Shabbos! Please check the spreadsheet if you are unsure which kappitlach you signed up for! CHICAGO COVID CHOLIM LIST Binyamin Yehuda ben Chasha Gittel Eliezer ben Genendel - Sorah Weiss' Father Perel Bracha bas Chana - Sorah Weiss' Mother Yaakov Gershon ben Chaya Gita – Mr. Muskat Yitzchok ben Rochel – Yitzchok Rosenberg Akiva Mordechai ben Sarah - Akiva Criddell Binyamin ben Rose Dovid ben Chaya Rivkah - Rabbi David Montrose Miriam Esther bat Sarah Sara Leah bas Mira Shmuel Ben Rochel Yenta Yosef Kalman ben Toiba – Rabbi Wainkrantz Have a Wonderful Shabbos, Chaya Miriam --

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