Friday, December 25, 2020

FW: [aneinu] Please say your Tehillim this Shabbos!

Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note10+.

-------- Original message --------
From: 'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu <>
Date: 12/25/20 12:12 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: Chicago Aneinu <>
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Please say your Tehillim this Shabbos!


Dear Aneinu Members,

Ani Yosef. Possibly the most powerful and emotional words in the Torah. These two words bring me to tears every year. Two words tell a whole story. A story of tragedy, betrayal, pain, suffering, and ultimately triumph. Isn't it the story of the Jewish people? Imy"H very soon we will see the end of our story, and with it a glorious new beginning. We are told it is always the darkest before the dawn. Ani Yosef. Hold on. Mashiach is on his way!

Pease remember to say your Tehillim this Shabbos! Please check the spreadsheet if you are unsure which kappitlach you signed up for!

Chicago Covid List

Yaakov Gershon ben Chaya Gita – Mr. Muskat
Yehuda Shmuel ben Rachel - Dr. Jerry Silverman

Akiva Mordechai ben Sarah - Akiva Criddell
Binyamin ben Rose
Chizkyahu Michoel ben Malka Gittel 
Dovid ben Chaya Rivkah - Rabbi David Montrose
Eliezer ben Genendel - Sorah Weiss' Father
Mendel ben Rochel
Perel Bracha bas Chana - Sorah Weiss' Mother
Refoel ben Chava
Shana Perel bas Malka - Shana Rabinowitz
Shlomo Yehoshua ben Esther – Shlomo Mizrahi
Yitzchok Dovid ben Bella Geital - Mr. Eddie Friedman

Have a peaceful and restful Shabbos,
Chaya Miriam

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