Thursday, December 31, 2020

FW: A Quick End of Year Note for You

Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note10+.

-------- Original message --------
From: Team TorahAnytime <>
Date: 12/31/20 1:48 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: A Quick End of Year Note for You


We're Saving the World Together!

Hello Friend,

Would you ever have thought that at this time last year, we would have the year that we did?

You and I both know that everything Hashem does is for the best, even when it's hard to see. While nobody could have predicted what this past year had in store, together we weathered the storm.

You've shown your strength, resilience, and perseverance in the most challenging of times and I hope you feel amazing about it because together we're going to turn 2021 into another year of unprecedented growth.

Now is the time for you to gain huge spiritual merit by giving your support to TorahAnytime, The World's largest Yeshiva without walls.

This coming fiscal year we will:
-Provide life-enhancing and life saving Torah to more people in need.

-Launch new and improved tech that will make outstanding shiurim available to all.

-Continue to be the go-to resource for hope, strength, inspiration and guidance for thousands of people, just like you and me, every day.

Take a look at what we've accomplished together this year!

With Hashem's help, we are truly looking forward to an amazing year ahead.

We thank you for your learning, your connection, your encouragement, and support.

Please make your tax deductible year end donation to end off this fiscal year on an amazing note.


Shimon Kolyakov
Rubin Kolyakov
Yosef Davis
and the entire Team TorahAnytime

P.S. Now is the time to make your tax deductible year end gift! There's no time to lose - and you'll be directly giving hope, inspiration and guidance to so many who are truly in need. Take advantage of this amazing opportunity!


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