Thursday, December 10, 2020

Fwd: Dreidel Lessons; How Chocolate Gelt is Made; Pirsumei Nisa: Only for Jews?

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Dec 10, 2020, 3:15 PM
Subject: Dreidel Lessons; How Chocolate Gelt is Made; Pirsumei Nisa: Only for Jews?
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8 Days of Inspiration: Chanukah @ OU
8 Days of Inspiration:
Chanukah @ OU
Orthodox Union

Head to for the complete Chanukah experience. Get answers to your most frequently asked Chanukah questions; enjoy shiurim from esteemed Torah educators; watch videos and participate in activities for individuals and families, and much more from NCSY, the OU Women's Initiative, OU Kosher, OU Israel, OU Torah Initiatives and the Karasick Department of Synagogue & Community Services. You can also sign up to receive daily email updates each day of Chanukah, providing you with an extensive offering of Torah, Chanukah resources and virtual events.

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PARSHAT VAYESHEV December 11-12, 2020 – 26 Kislev 5781


HAFTARAH Zechariah 2:14-4:7


THIS SHABBAT Chanukah and Mevarchim Hachodesh for the month of Tevet


SPECIAL DAYS Chanukah is celebrated through Friday, December 18. Rosh Chodesh Tevet is celebrated on Wednesday, December 16.

Around the OU
Orthodox Union Mourns the Loss of HaRav Gedaliah Dov Schwartz ztl
Orthodox Union Mourns the Loss of HaRav Gedaliah Dov Schwartz z"l
Orthodox Union

Rav Schwartz led the American Jewish community for over sixty years and the Chicago Jewish community for over thirty, serving as the Rosh Beth Din of the Chicago Rabbinical Council and as Av Beth Din of Beth Din of America.

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Coming Next Week: Tune In to Torah LA
Coming Next Week: Tune In to Torah Los Angeles
OU West Coast

On Sunday, December 20, experience Torah Los Angeles—an immersion in Torah learning with over 20 virtual shiurim available. Enjoy topics on leadership in today's world, kiddush Hashem, new frontiers in halacha (Jewish law), and more.

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Watch: OU President Moishe Bane on the Leadership
Watch: OU President Moishe Bane on Serving the Community and the Future of the OU
Orthodox Union

OU President Moishe Bane, just elected to his final two-year term as the organization's top lay leader, discussed the importance of serving our communities, the mission of the OU, and how the OU's programs have responded to challenges in this time of pandemic.

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Lights and Miracles
Lights and Miracles
Rabbi Eliyahu Safran

What does the dreidel teach us?

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How Did Chanukah Alter the Religions of the World?
How Did Chanukah Alter the Religions of the World?
Rabbi Moshe Taragin

How did Judaism impact the religious world of Greek religious thought and how did Chanukah steer the world toward monotheism?

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The Power of Praise
The Power of Praise
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks z"l

Reuben made an error in judgment and unintentionally caused an argument between Rachel and Leah. The next episode in which we see Reuben is far more tragic….

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What is Chanukah?
What is Chanukah?
Rabbi Chayim Soloveichik

Enjoy this dvar Torah and more in this week's Torah Tidbits.

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His Father's Fears
His Father's Fears
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

An important lesson on this week's parsha from Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev.

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Chanukah Candles in Shul
Chanukah Candles in Shul
Rabbi Menachem Genack

Why do we light Chanukah candles in shul? Is this just an additional method of publicizing the Chanukah miracle, or is it because a shul shares the holiness of the Beit HaMikdash?

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Fire or Light - The Great Debate
Fire or Light - The Great Debate
Rabbi Aaron Goldscheider

We begin with one light on the first night and add holiness each day, elevating the spiritual level each time.

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Does Pirsumei Nisa Apply to Non-Jews?
Does Pirsumei Nisa Apply to Non-Jews?
Halacha Yomis

Pirsumei nisa (publicizing the miracle) is an important element of the mitzvah of lighting the menorah. Is pirsumei nisa relevant only for the Jewish people who celebrate Chanukah, or is the Chanukah miracle universally significant and pirsumei nisa relates to non-Jews as well?

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Chanukah Ideas and Inspiration
Teaching Kids to Be Grateful This Chanukah
Teaching Kids to Be Grateful This Chanukah
Adina Soclof

We can teach our children to how to accept any Chanukah gifts they might get gracefully and instill in them an attitude of gratefulness.

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Daf HaKashrus Chanukah - Chocolate and Trivia
Daf HaKashrus Chanukah - Chocolate and Trivia
OU Kosher

Have you wondered how chocolate gelt is made? Learn about chocolate production, answer trivia questions about chocolate and explore consumer conundrums.

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featured products
The Light That Unites: A Chanukah Companion
The Light That Unites: A Chanukah Companion
OU Press

Rabbi Aaron Goldscheider offers a teaching for each candle of Chanukah gathered from the most beloved and esteemed sages and masters: Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook, and other luminaries.

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A Chanukah Chocolate Delight
A Chanukah Chocolate Delight
Yachad Gifts

This Chanukah basket is filled with scrumptious and rich chocolates. It contains Kopper's chocolates, five pieces of assorted chocolate truffles, nine pieces of marzipan, and Chanukah decorations.

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