Thursday, December 24, 2020

Fwd: If at all possible, we could really use your help...

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: <>
Date: Thu, Dec 24, 2020, 9:31 PM
Subject: If at all possible, we could really use your help...
To: <>

As the 2020 tax year comes to a close, we are grateful to G-d – and to our partners! – for enabling us to help so many discover Judaism's treasures via the #1 Jewish website, known universally as ""

By the Grace of G-d

Dear Mr. Chroman,

We hope this note finds you and yours well (and well protected from the destructive virus still challenging us…!).

As the 2020 tax year comes to a close, we are grateful to G-d – and to our partners! – for enabling us to help so many millions of people worldwide discover Judaism's treasures this year via the world's #1 Jewish website, known simply as ""

At we strive to create an all-inclusive, one-stop cybershop for everything Jewish. Always.

Each dollar you contribute is used to meet the challenges and enhance the lives of the eager child, socially active teenager, curious college student, young professional, new parent, midlife career person, seasoned mentor, wise elder, and everyone in between.

This is especially so this year, as we race 'round the clock to meet people's urgent and diverse needs, triggered by COVID's upheavals.

However, we are only able to do this in partnership with people like you.

There is no way to possibly convey how priceless and crucial your gift is in helping each and every personone by one! – find the guidance, insight, information, inspiration, life-affirmation or listening ear he or she may seek, at all times. And especially when facing crucial junctures and challenges in their lives.

We therefore turn to you and ask:

Please contribute generously to our year-end campaign!

If you'd like to express your partnership with a check you can do so here:

Chabad.ORG • 770 Eastern Parkway Suite 405 • Brooklyn, NY 11213

You can also do so via PayPal, E-Check or Bank Transfer/Wire.

(Needless to say, your donation is fully tax-deductible.)

Your partnership can make all the difference!

[Please consider also leaving a lasting, personal legacy for the Jewish People. Click here to find out more.]

On behalf of the millions of our/your beneficiaries worldwide, we thank you profusely, and we eagerly look forward to putting your dollars to work to achieve even greater impact – with G-d's help, in a much transformed and strengthened world real soon!

May G-d illuminate your life and the lives of all those around you forever and may He bless you with good health and material and spiritual abundance!


The Team

P.S. Every little bit counts. Click here to provide the gift of Judaism's learning and life tools to millions of people!

P.P.S. Tomorrow (Friday, December 25), the 10th of Tevet on the Jewish calendar, marks the anniversary of the Roman siege of Jerusalem close to 2,400 years ago. It is a day of fasting and repentance, during which we beseech G-d to transform our world and to restore our Holy Temple. It is considered to be also a particularly auspicious time to give charity

P.P.P.S. If you are unable or do not wish to contribute, please note that these emails are but humble requests for partnership, and not a requirement for enjoying and benefitting from the site. You are always welcome to enjoy our website and subscriptions, regardless of whether or not you make a contribution. If you would, however, like to contribute, you can do so here.

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