Monday, December 7, 2020

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 21 Kislev 5781/December 7, 2020

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From: Agudath Israel of America <>
Date: Mon, Dec 7, 2020, 4:37 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 21 Kislev 5781/December 7, 2020
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Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual.
December 7, 2020 - 21 Kislev 5781
News from the Agudah:

  • The Torah Projects Commission is pleased to present a special shiur series in honor of Chanukah. Tomorrow, Tuesday December 8, Rabbi Nisan Kaplan will be speaking on dinei hadlakas neiros Chanukah. See the entire schedule for this week's Iyunim B'hilchos Chanukah below.

  • We are pleased to announce a webinar on End-of-Year Tax Planning in the Covid Era. The webinar is to take place on Wednesday, December 9, at 12:00 PM EST. For more information on how to register and send in questions see below.

  • The Torah School of Greater Washington presented Rabbi Ariel Sadwin with the Community Service Award at their virtual dinner. See below for video.

  • Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst's Halacha L'maaseh shiur will continue this Monday night (12/07/2020) and will be on Practical Halachos of Chanukah with an emphasis on traveling, guests, bochurim coming home, etc. and will be at 8:30 pm EST. The call in number is (518) 425-1725. 

  • Agudas Yisroel's Daf Yomi Commission's siyum on Eruvin was held in Chicago. Although there were only ten participants at the event in person (due to the Covid-19 pandemic), thousands participated remotely. For more information see below.

  • Finally, today, we're highlighting last week's convention session titled "Developing Connections When Everything is Changing," Rabbi Ephraim Glassman. Click here to watch it, or see below for directions on accessing Motzei Shabbos at the convention's sessions. They are also available to listen to over the phone - instructions below.

Iyunim B'hilchos Chanukah
The shiurim will start this week with the access information as follows:

The Zoom access link is and the call in number is 1-646-558-8656, access code: 835-286-77424. 
Agudah to Host End-of-year Tax Planning Webinar This Wednesday
Agudath Israel of America is pleased to announce a webinar on End-of-Year Tax Planning in the Covid Era. The webinar, to take place on Wednesday, December 9, at 12:00 PM EST, will feature Benjamin Berger, CPA, partner, Bernath and Rosenberg; Abe Schlisselfeld, CPA, EA, partner-in-charge of the real estate group, Marks Paneth LLP; and Zacharia Waxler, CPA, co-managing partner, Roth&Co. It will cover estate planning, the Medicaid lookback, PPP loan forgiveness, SALT deductions, and opportunity zones. The webinar will be hosted by Agudah's Rabbi Naftali Miller, national director of development. There will also be an opportunity to have your questions answered by sending them in advance to To register go to or click here
Rabbi Ariel Sadwin Receives Community Service Award for Torah Academy of Greater Washington
Click here or above to watch the video.
Daf Yomi World Celebrates Siyum on Eruvin 
By: Sandy Eller 

With one eye on the Hadran and another on the upcoming maseches Pesachim, members of the Daf Yomi world felt a special sense of acheivement as they celebrated the completion of maseches Eruvin

Agudas Yisroel's Daf Yomi Commission's siyum on Eruvin was held in Chicago with just a minyan of participants, the pandemic precluding the large, in-person galas that have been held in the past. Rabbi Yaakov Robinson, chairman of the Midwest Agudas Yisroel Council of Shul Rabbanim, offered opening remarks, with Rabbi Chaim Twerski, Rav Bais Chaim Dovid and Rosh Yeshiva of Hebrew Theological College, making the siyum. Rabbi Shmuel Yehuda Levin, Rosh HaYeshiva of Telshe Chicago, introduced Maseches Pesachim and offered divrei brachah and was followed by Rabbi Shlomo Francis and Rabbi Yonatan Glenner, co-authors of the comprehensive The Laws of an Eruv, whose audio-visual presentation brought the masechta to life, illustrating concepts that may have been difficult to visualize as lomdim made their way through the masechta. The siyum program can be viewed here.

A three-part fascinating video lecture series arranged by the Daf Yomi Commission in the week preceding the siyum also served to clarify the challenging masechta firmly in the minds of those who immersed themselves in its 105 dafim. Rabbi Yisroel Reisman, Rav, Agudath Israel of Madison and Rosh Yeshiva Yeshiva Torah Vodaath, discussed the halachos pertaining to eruvei techumim, with Rabbi Chaim Schabes, Rav, Congregation Knesses Yisroel in New Hempstead speaking one day later on the topic of tzuras hapesach. The series completed with Rabbi Moshe Heinemann, Rav, Agudas Yisroel of Baltimore, expounding on the practical applications of eruvei chatzeiros. The shiur series can be viewed here.

Both the lecture series and the siyum were well attended, albeit virtually, with more than 7,000 people watching the broadcast of the shiurim each night and approximately 2,500 people joining the siyum livestream. The response from the public far exceeded expectations, said Rabbi Eliyahu Simcha Bamberger, coordinator of the Daf Yomi Commission, who noted that numerous yeshivas have already asked for a copy of the presentation shown by Rabbi Francis and Rabbi Glenner at the siyum. 

"This is pure undiluted Torah and we see that Klal Yisroel is thirsty for it," said Rabbi Bamberger. "It is such a joy to be able to provide those who learn the Daf something tangible that they can take away from the masechta and to give those who aren't learning the Daf yet something super valuable that will encourage them to start. We look forward to being able to provide more meaningful programs as we continue making Daf Yomi part of our lives."
Motzei Shabbos Sessions:
Convention Phone Access Instructions
To access the Agudah Convention sessions by phone call 718.298.2077 (USA) or 647.797.0056 (CA) and enter the ID number for the session. Listed below are the ID numbers for the Motzei Shabbos sessions.

Developing Connections When Everything is Changing: ID 9131433 #
he Jewish Woman in the Digital Age: Business and Family: ID 9131439 #
Stories from COVID - Covid Life Lessons from Personal Experience: ID 9131620 #
Keynote Session: ID: 9131723 #
Making Chinuch Work: ID: 9131446 #
Askanus and Government Relations: A Hashkafic Perspective: ID: 9131430 #
Thriving as a Ben Torah in the Working World: ID: 9131440 #
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