Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 7 Teves 5781/December 22, 2020

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From: Agudath Israel of America <news@agudah.org>
Date: Tue, Dec 22, 2020, 7:29 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 7 Teves 5781/December 22, 2020
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual.
December 22, 2020 - 7 Teves 5781
News from the Agudah:

  • Agudah's New Jersey office is happy to announce an increase in funding for special needs children after their long-time advocacy on the issue. See below for more details.

  • Agudas Yisroel has long advocated for security funding for high-risk potential terrorist targets. We are very happy that Congress passed $180 million in funding for this critical need - see below for more about this.

  • Yesterday the Agudah Israel hosted a virtual Town Hall with Brooklyn State Senator Kevin Parker as a part of a series of our virtual town hall meetings with prominent elected officials and candidates for office. See below for more details.

  • Webinar on Thursday: The second webinar in our new series to help the public with practical advice as we continue to adjust to the changes brought about by COVID-19 will be Smart Selling in a COVID World. The webinar is to take place on Thursday, December 24, at 12:00 PM EST. Registration is limited, so see below for information on how to register now - see below for details.

  • The Torah Projects Commission in conjunction with Hakhel is excited to announce that they will be having a special kinus for Asarah B'Teves this Friday, December 25, 2020. For more information and how to join see below.

  • Also, the special shiur series in preparation for Asarah B'Teves continues: Tomorrow, Wednesday, December 23, Rabbi Shlomo Cynamon will be giving a shiur on Asarah B'Teves B'Erev B'Shabbos. See below for the entire schedule for this week's Iyunim B'Asarah B'Teves.

  • In case you missed it: We have received a lot of positive feedback from those of you who clicked yesterday to see Ki Heim Chayeinu's instructional video on hagalah, how to kasher your kitchen, made in conjunction with the Star-K. This series is being presented now, in connection with the relevant sugya being learned in Daf Yomi, but it's often relevant for anyone who spends time in a kitchen! If you didn't see it yet, click here to watch the video and sign up to receive the upcoming videos in the series. Click here for a quick summary guide from the Star-K on how to kasher your countertops properly.

  • The movement to ban shechitah is of great concern to the Agudah. We view with dismay the recent EU court decision upholding a ban on shechitah in Belgium. Our condemnation is below.

  • Finally, today we're highlighting the Agudah Convention's session titled Chinuch: Making it Work. Click here to watch it. The session is also available to listen to over the phone - see below for instructions.

New Jersey's Special Education Program Increases Per Pupil Allocation After Agudah Efforts
Rabbi Schnall testifying at the final live Budget Committee Hearing before the onset of the pandemic.
Over the past year, one of Agudas Yisroel's New Jersey Office's top legislative priorities was to increase funding for nonpublic school students for the chronically underfunded state-sponsored compensatory and remedial education services known as Chapter 192 and Chapter 193. After many conversations, legislative hearings, a letter-writing campaign, and much siyata dishmaya, the legislature added - for the first time in more than a decade - an additional $6 million to the total allocation. While the $6 million was still below what was needed to fix the programs, New Jersey Office Director Rabbi Avi Schnall felt it was a good start. "Especially in a year when - due to the coronavirus pandemic - drastic cuts were being made to virtually every state agency and program, the additional $6 million was significant," said Rabbi Schnall.

When the New Jersey Department of Education received notification of the additional funding, they decided to use it to supplement their reserves, rather than increase the per-pupil allocation, which was obviously completely contrary to the legislature's intent. Rabbi Schnall once again engaged the legislatures, Department of Education, and his colleagues in the nonpublic school community in a series of conversations to have the funding put towards increasing the per-pupil allocation. Just yesterday, Rabbi Schnall was notified by the Department of Education that while a portion of funding will still be used for reserves, they will use the remainder of the funds to increase the per-pupil allocation.

In a notice to school administrators, Rabbi Schnall wrote, "We are pleased to inform you that this coming year (FY21), the per-pupil allocation will be increased by $50/child."

Rabbi Schnall went on to express his appreciation to others who assisted in the effort. "We are grateful to our dear friend Assemblyman Gary Schaer of Passaic for his tireless efforts on behalf of yeshiva students across the State and for his integral role in ensuring not only that the allocation was increased, but that the increased allocation reached its intended beneficiaries: our students. To all those who participated in our letter-writing campaign, thank you."

Rabbi Schnall noted that while the increased per-pupil allocation is most welcome news for parents and students alike, there is still need for work in this area. "We continue to work with the relevant stakeholders to make these programs work to ensure a quality education for our most needy students."
Congress Takes Giant Step Forward in Securing Shuls, Yeshivas, Charities and Other U.S. Nonprofits
The U.S. Congress's passage of $180 million for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) is being hailed by Agudath Israel of America, one of the program's crafters and leading supporters, as a landmark achievement. NSGP provides up to $100,000 worth of assistance to nonprofits at high risk of terrorist attack for the purchase of security enhancements such as cameras, concrete barriers, reinforced doors, and personnel. The increase was part of the FY 2021 appropriations package.
The new appropriation doubled the current levels for NSGP and will be split down the middle -- $90 million for pre-designated Urban Area Security Initiative areas and $90 million directed to other areas of high terrorist risk.
"Congress's action will provide much needed and more effective protection for vulnerable community institutions, and for safeguarding the lives of the many thousands of men, women, and children they serve," noted Rabbi Abba Cohen, Agudath Israel's Vice President for Government Affairs and Washington Director. "We are grateful that Congress recognized that, in light of the escalating violence targeting nonprofits, including houses of worship, we needed a response that is even more comprehensive in both scope and depth to meet the growing and worsening threat of terror."
Indeed, the significant NSGP funding boost comes partly in the wake of tragedies confronted by the Jewish community. Synagogues, schools, and charities continue to reel from the anti-Semitic murders in Pittsburgh, Poway, Monsey, and Jersey City, and from the uptick of anti-Semitic incidents nationwide. According to the most recent FBI Hate Crimes Statistics Report, in 2019, anti-Semitic hate crimes increased 14 percent and constituted over 60 percent of all religion-based hate crimes, and this is likely an underestimate.
Agudath Israel and other organizations, under the coordination of the Jewish Federations of North America, fought hard to create and maintain the NSGP program. National and local advocacy groups, working together, brought the program to where it is today.
"For the Jewish community, the threat of terrorism is distinct and tangible and we live within its shadow every day. We have a strong stake in this program and continue to vigorously support Congress's efforts to strengthen it," concluded Rabbi Cohen. "The increase will translate into protecting more lives in more institutions in more parts of our country."
Town Hall with State Senator Kevin Parker
As a part of a series of virtual town hall meetings with prominent elected officials and candidates for office, this past Monday, December 21st, Agudath Israel was pleased to welcome Brooklyn State Senator and candidate for NYC Comptroller Kevin Parker. Senator Parker has served in the Senate since 2003 and is currently Chair of the Energy and Telecommunications Committee. The 21st Senate District, which Senator Parker represents, is a most diverse district representing the neighborhoods of Flatbush, East Flatbush, Midwood, Ditmas Park, Kensington, Windsor Terrace, and Park Slope.
We would like to thank Senator Parker for sharing his vision for our city as he embarks upon his campaign for the Comptroller's office.
Register Now: Smart Selling in a COVID World
Agudath Israel of America is pleased to announce the second part of our webinar series to help the public with practical advice as we continue to adjust to the changes brought about by COVID-19. The first part of the webinar series, on the topic of 'End-of-year Tax Planning in the Covid Era' received a lot of positive feedback and was viewed by over 2,500 people. This webinar will be on the topic of selling under COVID conditions.  
The webinar will take place Thursday, December 24, at 12:00 PM EST, and will feature Marc Bodner, CEO at L&R Distributors, INC.; Naftali Horowitz, Managing Director at J.P.Morgan; Laibel Schwartz, founder of Laibel Schwartz Photography; and Steve Shain, COO at LTC Contracting. The webinar will cover how to reach the "unreachable" world of high-net-worth individuals; tips to inspire your clients; how you can replace in-person sales; how to engage new potential clients; and are there new opportunities for your sales to grow in a COVID environment. The webinar will be hosted by Agudah's Rabbi Naftali Miller, national director of development. There will also be an opportunity to have your questions answered by sending them in advance to questions@agudah.org. Click here or go to https://bit.ly/aiasaleswebinar to register. 
Kinus Asarah B'Teves
The Torah Projects Commission in conjunction with Hakhel is excited to announce that they will be having a special learning kinus on Asarah B'Teves this Friday, December 25, 2020.

The program will begin at 9:00 AM EST with Rabbi Yisroel Reisman, Rav, Agudath Israel of Madison, and will continue through 12:00 noon with speeches by Rabbi Doniel Osher Kleinman, Rav, K'hal Nachlas Dovid, and Rabbi Eli Reisman, chaver, the Edison Community Kollel.

The event will be both in person and virtual. The in person event will be held at Agudath Israel of Madison, 2122 Ave S. In accordance with social distancing protocol, masks must be worn and there will be limited seating available on a first-come-first-served basis, in both the main bais medrash and the ezras nashim. To participate virtually, go to Torahanytime.com/HakhelLive or call 718-298-2077, ext. 57.

For further information about this event, contact Hakhel at HakhelUSA@gmail.com or call 347-409-5061.
Iyunim B'Asarah B'Teves
The shiurim will continue this week with the access information as follows:

The Zoom access link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83528677424 and the call in number is 1-646-558-8656, access code: 835-286-77424. 
Agudath Israel Condemns EU Court for Upholding Belgium Shechita Ban
Nearly two years ago, Agudath Israel of America expressed its grave concern over laws passed in the Flanders and Wallonia regions of Belgium that effectively prohibited the slaughter of animals according to kosher ritual requirements (shechita). The law, Agudath Israel asserted, placed a substantial burden on religious liberty and on Jewish life in Belgium, as well as on those dependent on Belgian shechita living in other affected European countries. At the time of the ban, Agudath Israel expressed its hope that the judicial system would recognize this serious infringement on the rights of the Jewish community and strike down the grievous statute. 
Unfortunately, this past Thursday, December 17, 2020, the European Union Court of Justice, located in Luxembourg, issued its decision to uphold the ban. 
Jewish law scrupulously safeguards the humane treatment of animals, and its rules regarding kosher slaughter require a swift and painless kill. There is no need to require – as the Belgian laws do – prior stunning, a practice which compromises Jewish law and makes kosher certification impossible. Many countries, including the United States, recognize in their law the humane nature of the millennia-old practice of kosher slaughter and have exempted it from further religiously-problematic regulation.
Leaders of the Belgian Jewish community have indicated that the laws in Flanders and Wallonia already have had a clear negative impact on the kosher food industry and on the availability and accessibility of kosher meat and poultry. Moreover, the necessary relocation of facilities will be disruptive to companies, workers and consumers and result in possible shortages, and an attendant rise in costs, that will be detrimental to those wishing to live in line with Jewish belief and practice. 
Muslim leaders have also condemned the ban, which effectively prohibited halal slaughter as well, as an infringement of their religious rights and religious life. 
Rabbi Abba Cohen, Agudath Israel's Vice President of Government Affairs and Washington Director, said, "Since its European origins, Agudath Israel has always spoken out against bans on ritual slaughter as a serious blow to Jewish life and religious rights. But it is even more than that. The outlawing of ritual slaughter – and circumcision – have become ominous precursors to the darkest times of Jewish history. And that is what makes this ban and this decision so chilling." 
Featured Convention Session:
Chinuch: Making it Work
To access the Agudah Convention sessions by phone call 718.298.2077 (USA) or 647.797.0056 (CA) and enter the ID number for the session. To listen to the session Chinuch: Making it Work use ID: 9131446 #
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