Sunday, December 20, 2020

Fwd: One Year Later. Can YOU help?

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From: Project Likkutei Sichos <>
Date: Sun, Dec 20, 2020, 3:36 PM
Subject: One Year Later. Can YOU help?
To: <>

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Dear Yaakov,

As we go into the final month before Yud Shevat, 71 years of the Rebbe's Nesius, and completing 1 year of learning, and completing 5 volumes of Likkutei Sichos, we must continue as the Rebbe teaches Maalin Bakoidesh to increase in holiness. To do that properly, we are going to need your help.

This year, 19 Teves, (January 3, 2021) will be Project Likkutei Sichos's "Campaign Day" to promote awareness and financial support for the Project.

An average week of the Project cost about $6,000. This covers maintaining and updating the website, preparation of resources, Legal, Accounting, Marketing, Office General (mail chimp, captivate, G Suite, WeTransfer etc), web, graphics, tech and app development, and paid Maggidei Shiurim and resources. This all is in addition to Siyumim and other special projects. At the launch of this project we realized it was necessary to lock in steady and committed shiurim and resources, and we would pay for them to secure their consistency. Baruch Hashem we are overwhelmed by the amount of additional volunteer shiurim and resources that continue to beautify this project. We, and thousands of listeners, are extremely grateful to them and we hope for a day that we can offer compensation to them as well.

As we prepare for our big campaign day, we are asking friends and supporters of the project to create a team to reach out to your family and friends to set a goal of raising $1800 (or more) for Project Likkutei Sichos. Today we are asking you to be one of the first 71 teams to partake in this amazing initiative. Baruch Hashem we have close to 50 of the first 71 spoken for already, but now we need you.

Together, we could take this project to the next level, and beyond. Please email us to help out.

Team Project Likkutei Sichos
ומלאה הארץ לקוטי שיחות
Dedicated by Rabbi Shloimy and Mirele Greenwald
נוסד לכבוד י׳ שבט שבעים שנה.
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