Thursday, December 24, 2020

Fwd: Please share the impact - Thank you 馃槃

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From: Project Likkutei Sichos <>
Date: Thu, Dec 24, 2020, 6:01 AM
Subject: Please share the impact - Thank you 馃槃
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诇讛专砖诐 诇拽讘诇转 讗讬诪讬讬诇讬诐 讘注讘专讬转 诇讞爪讜 讻讗谉

砖讘注转 讬诪讬 讛讛讬拽祝 讛'-讬"讘 讟讘转, 砖谞转 驻"讗 - "讛专讞讘 驻讬讱"

砖"驻 讜讬讙砖 转砖诪"讞

讜诪讜讘谉, 砖讻讚讬 诇讚注转 讘讗讬讝讛 讗讜驻谉 爪专讬讻讬诐 诇讞讙讜讙 讗转 谞讬爪讞讜谞诐 砖诇 讛住驻专讬诐 ("讚讬讚谉 – 讚讛住驻专讬诐 – 谞爪讞") – 讬砖 "诇砖讗讜诇" 讗转 讛住驻专讬诐 注爪诪诐, 讻诇讜诪专, 讬砖 诇注讬讬谉 讜诇讘专专 讝讛 讘讛住驻专讬诐 注爪诪诐, 讜诇讛转谞讛讙 注诇-驻讬 讛讜专讗转诐 . . 讘谞讜讙注 诇驻讜注诇 – 砖诪讻讗谉 讜诇讛讘讗 爪专讬讱 诇讘讜讗 诇讬讚讬 讞讬讝讜拽 讜讛讜住驻讛 讘诇讬诪讜讚 讛转讜专讛 讘讬转专 砖讗转 讜讘讬转专 注讜讝, 讜讝讛讜 "讗讘谉 讛讘讜讞谉" 诇谞讬爪讞讜谞诐 讛讗诪讬转讬 砖诇 讛住驻专讬诐, "讚讬讚谉 (讚讛住驻专讬诐) 谞爪讞".

To know how to celebrate the victory of the Sefarim, we must ask them, by opening the Sefarim and following their guidance. Practically speaking, we must strengthen and increase the learning of Torah, and this is the ultimate proof of the victory of the Seforim, Didan - of the Seforim - Notzach!

We're in the 7 days of celebration from Hey Teves. The Rebbe teaches that the true victory of Didan Notzach is expressed by learning the Sefarim. What more encouragement do we need, to continue and increase our study of Likkutei Sichos, to bring us to the ultimate Didan Notzach.

As we approach Yud Shevat and a full year of learning together, it's incredible how much was accomplished in such a short time span, and at the same time how much we have yet to accomplish, qualitatively and quantitatively.

If you are learning with the cycle, whether by yourself, with a chavrusa, in a shour, please drop us a line, you never know how many others will be inspired by your learning and the rising of the numbers. If you can, record yourself on your phone (horizontally) for 30-60 seconds to tell us how Project Likkutei Sichos has impacted your life. Email it to us

Thank you.
Team Project Likkutei Sichos
讜诪诇讗讛 讛讗专抓 诇拽讜讟讬 砖讬讞讜转
馃挜This week's Sichos馃挜
Chelek Yud, Sicha Vayigash Alef, Vayigash Beis
讞诇拽 讬 • 讜讬讙砖 • 砖讬讞讛 讗
讜讬驻讜诇 注诇 爪讜讗专讬 讘谞讬诪谉 讗讞讬讜
Yosef and Binyamin cried over the destruction of the Mishkan and Batei Mikdash. What is the connection between a neck and the Beis Hamikdash. When to cry, and when to stop crying and do something.
讞诇拽 讬 • 讜讬讙砖 • 砖讬讞讛 讘
讜诇讗讘讬讜 砖诇讞 讻讝讗转 注砖专讛 讞诪专讬诐
Why does Yosef send his father so many gifts if he is expecting him to come down to Mitzraim imminently? The gift includes aged wine which is something special, which teaches us a lesson in Yosef's emuna that he aged the wone, knowing the salvation is coming.
Feature of the Week
Chelek 10, Vayigash 2 - Rabbi Fishel Oster
Just like in the good old days -- you now have the opportunity to contribute your reflections on the sichos being learned every week, and have them published in a kovetz ha'oros. Email by Thursday at noon ET to submit your haoros for publication.
As we go into the final month before Yud Shevat, 71 years of the Rebbe's Nesius, and completing 1 year of learning, and 5 full volumes of, Likkutei Sichos, we must continue as the Rebbe teaches Maalin Bakoidesh to increase in holiness. To do that properly, we are going to need your help.

This year, 19 Teves, (January 3, 2021) will be "Project Likkutei Sichos Campaign Day" to promote awareness and financial support for the Project.

If you would like to be one of the first 71 teams to partake in this amazing inititiatve to help us gear up for this special day by leading a team in this grand campaign please set one up here. Together, we could take this project to the next level, and beyond.

Sichos Checklist - Keep Track of Your Learning Checklist
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Dedicated by Rabbi Shloimy and Mirele Greenwald
谞讜住讚 诇讻讘讜讚 讬׳ 砖讘讟 砖讘注讬诐 砖谞讛.
诇注״谞 讛讞住讬讚 专׳ 讗讛专谉 讘״专 讬讛讜砖注 砖谞讬讗讜专 讝诇诪谉 住注专注讘专讬讗谞住拽讬 注״讛
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