Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Fwd: This Weeks Sichos + 4 LIVE Shiurim

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Date: Wed, Dec 9, 2020, 2:23 PM
Subject: This Weeks Sichos + 4 LIVE Shiurim
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להרשם לקבלת אימיילים בעברית לחצו כאן

י"ט כסלו - חנוכה, שנת פ"א - "הרחב פיך"
לקוטי שיחות חלק י' וישב א
: לצאת מד' אמותיו אל אלו הנמצאים (עדיין) ב"חוצה" להחזירם בתשובה לקרבם לעבודת ה' ולתורתו ואל המאור שבה זוהי פנימיות התורה - אילנא דחיי.
To go out of his personal space to those who (still) find themselves on the "outside," and bring them back through repentance, draw them closer to serving Hashem, learning his Torah, and the luminary of the Torah, namely the inner parts of Torah - the Tree of Life.

It cannot be said more clearly. As we stand between Yud Tes Kislev and Chanuka, we must go "out" into the world and "spread the light" of Torah and Chassidus.

As we begin the New Year of Limmud Hachasidus, let us not be satisfied with our accomplishments with ourselves, and how many Sichos we have learned so far. Let us go out, find a Yid or two who have not yet joined project Likkutei Sichos, introduce them to the treasure of likkutei Sichos, with the benefits of Project Likkutei Sichos, and encourage and convince them to join. They will thank you.

Wishing you all a Freilichen Chanukah, and a Lichtigen Chanukah - a Chanukah filled with light, the light of Torah and Chassidus, the shining light of the Rebbe's Likkutei Sichos, and with this light we will march out to the geulah, NOW!
Team Project Likkutei Sichos
ומלאה הארץ לקוטי שיחות
This week's Sichos
Chelek Yud, Sicha Vayeshev Alef, Vayeshev Beis, Chanukah
חלק י • וישב • שיחה א
מאלמים אלומים . . ותשתחוין לאלומתי
A Rashi Sicha on "tying bundles of wheat." A powerful lesson on the idea of collecting and elevating sparks and souls and reconnecting them with Hahsem by bringing them to the Rebbe. This all connects to both Yud Tes Kislev and Chanukah.
חלק י • וישב • שיחה ב
עולה תמנתה
Rashi explains that Timna was on the slope of the mountain. Although this is the second time it mentions "going up." A lesson that one must keep climbing, as we see on Chanukah that we cannot remain static, we must continue to increase the number of candles.
חלק י • חנוכה
להודות ולהלל
Based on their understanding of the Gemara, we can explain the Machlokes between Rambam and Tur if it is a Mitzva to feast on Chanukah, and for which miracle or event was Chanukah established, or also for joy and feasting.
Special Day Coming up
We are just shy of three weeks from Hey Teves. In addition to its inherent qualities, Hey Teves is also the day that the idea for Project Likkutei Sichos was conceived this past year. This year, Hey Teves will be "Project Likkutei Sichos Campaign Day" to promote awareness and financial support for the Project.

If you are able to help us gear up for this special day by leading a team, contributing, or logistics, please contact us. Together, we could take this project to the next level.
Feature of the Week.
Chelek 10, Vayeshev 1,10 Min, Rabbi Mendel Lipskier
Sichos Checklist - Keep Track of Your Learning Checklist
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Dedicated by Rabbi Shloimy and Mirele Greenwald
נוסד לכבוד י׳ שבט שבעים שנה.
לע״נ החסיד ר׳ אהרן ב״ר יהושע שניאור זלמן סערעבריאנסקי ע״ה
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