Thursday, December 17, 2020

Fwd: This Weeks Sichos + Kids taking the Lead 馃挜

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Date: Thu, Dec 17, 2020, 9:37 AM
Subject: This Weeks Sichos + Kids taking the Lead 馃挜
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诇讛专砖诐 诇拽讘诇转 讗讬诪讬讬诇讬诐 讘注讘专讬转 诇讞爪讜 讻讗谉

讬诪讬 讞谞讜讻讛, 砖谞转 驻"讗 - "讛专讞讘 驻讬讱"
诇拽讜讟讬 砖讬讞讜转 讞诇拽 讬' 讜讬砖讘 讘:
讜讻谉 讛注诇讬' 讘讛专 讛', 砖讛转诪讚转 讛注诇讬' 诪讜讻专讞转 诇讗 专拽 诇转讜注诇转 讛注诇讬' 注爪诪讛, 讻"讗 讙诐 讘讻讚讬 诇讛讘讟讬讞 砖诇讬诇转 讛讬专讬讚讛. 讜讛讬讬谞讜 砖讗讬谉 诇讜 诇讛住转驻拽 讘诪注诇转讜 砖讛讙讬注 讗诇讬' 注讚 讻讛 . . 讜诪讜讚讙砖 讛注谞讬谉 讘诪讬讜讞讚 讘诪爪讜讜转 谞专 讞谞讜讻讛 . .讗诐 专讜爪讛 诇拽讬讬诐 讗转 讛诪爪讜讛 讘讗讜转讜 讛讛讬讚讜专 砖拽讬讬诪讛 讘讬讜诐 砖诇驻谞讬讜 诪讜讻专讞 讛讜讗 诇讛注诇讜转 讘拽讜讚砖.
So too with regards to our personal journey, climbing the "Mountain of G-d," one must constantly ascend, not just for the sake of the ascent, but also to assure that they do not slip… As we see in the Mitzva of kindling the Menorah, if one wants to fulfill the mitzvah with the same level of Hiddur (beautification) as yesterday, they must increase the number of candles, they must ascend in holiness.

While Chanukah is known as a time for Mivtzoim, and spreading the light of Chanukah to the outside world, we cannot forget the light of Torah, and our task to constantly ascend and grow in our learning.

Chanukah is a great time to stop for a few moments, while sitting at the Menorah and share something from the Sicha you learned, or learn the sicha, together with your family.

And from Chanukah and beyond, we continue the lesson of "Maalin Bakodesh" to constantly grow, both in the quantity and quality, in learning Likkutei Sichos, and living with the Rebbe.
Team Project Likkutei Sichos
讜诪诇讗讛 讛讗专抓 诇拽讜讟讬 砖讬讞讜转
馃挜This week's Sichos馃挜
Chelek Yud, Sicha Miketz Alef, Miketz Beis, (Chanukah)
讞诇拽 讬 • 诪拽抓 • 砖讬讞讛 讗
讛讬讗讱 讗讙诇讛 讜讛拽讘"讛 讗讬谞讜 专讜爪讛 诇讙诇讜转
A glaring question which many commentators address, why did Yosef not reveal to Yaakov that he was alive, especially after becoming so powerful in Mitzraim. Rashi does not even address it, because it is self-understood based on another Rashi.
讞诇拽 讬 • 诪拽抓 • 砖讬讞讛 讘
讗砖专 讬讗诪专 诇讱 转注砖讜
What is Rashi's source in the Pshat that Yosef instructed the Egyptians to circumcise themselves? A profound lesson in the impact Yosef has on Mitzraim, and that we must not be influenced by our (negative) surroundings.
讞诇拽 讬 • 讞谞讜讻讛
诇讛讜讚讜转 讜诇讛诇诇
Based on their understanding of the Gemara, we can explain the Machlokes between Rambam and Tur if it is a Mitzva to feast on Chanukah, and for which miracle or event was Chanukah established, or also for joy and feasting.
Feature of the Week
Not for kids only
Chanukah is from the word Chinuch which means education. Today we will focus on some of the children's resources for Project Likkutei Sichos.
Animated Sicha Every week, the Gourarie kids produce a short animated video of the Sicha, with a poem written by Mrs. Chanie Gourarie. A fun way to learn the Sicha.
At this year's Tzivos Hashem rally, the kids produced a video of the Rebbe's message to Tzivos hashem, and were honored for spreading the Rebbe's Torah to their fellow Chayolim by saying Yismach.
Click here for Video.
JOIN the Kids Sicha WhatsApp
A new addition is a 5-7 minute podcast on the Sicha by Levitche Lazaroff of Houston, TX. A wonderful overview of the Sicha, presented clearly and concisely. Your children will love it and you will too. Available weekly on our website.
Just like in the good old days -- you now have the opportunity to contribute your reflections on the sichos being learned every week, and have them published in a kovetz ha'oros. Email by Thursday at noon ET to submit your haoros for publication.
As we go into the final month before Yud Shevat, 71 years of the Rebbe's Nesius, and completing 1 year of learning, and 5 full volumes of, Likkutei Sichos, we must continue as the Rebbe teaches Maalin Bakoidesh to increase in holiness. To do that properly, we are going to need your help.

This year, 19 Teves, (January 3, 2021) will be "Project Likkutei Sichos Campaign Day" to promote awareness and financial support for the Project.

If you would like to be one of the first 71 teams to partake in this amazing inititiatve to help us gear up for this special day by leading a team in this grand campaign please email us. Together, we could take this project to the next level, and beyond.

Sichos Checklist - Keep Track of Your Learning Checklist
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Dedicated by Rabbi Shloimy and Mirele Greenwald
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