Monday, December 28, 2020

Fwd: The Year's End: We can really use your help...

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From: The Team <>
Date: Mon, Dec 28, 2020, 2:47 PM
Subject: The Year's End: We can really use your help...
To: <>

Our team has been working 'round the clock to meet the urgent and diverse needs of countless people and communities around the globe

By the Grace of G-d

Dear Mr. Chroman,

I hope and pray that this note finds you and yours well.

Let's start with the well-known: We've lived through a truly unusual and very historic year. Thank G-d, we are (hopefully) all seeing light at the end of the long tunnel. 

But recalling the terror and anxiety that engulfed and paralyzed so many of us in those early days, when the very underpinnings of our world felt unmoored and everyone's lives were upended—

The world desperately yearned for a calming and reassuring message, some food for thought and spiritual fortification, reassurance that we're not alone, wisdom to empower and energize us so we could jettison our panic and responsibly help our families, our neighbors, ourselves, and not succumb to our own fears. 

Millions turned directly to their teacher and guide, their always dependable beacon of light, that well-known island of strength, the one there for them through thick and thin—the mentor and provider who always helped them with the timeless and timely wisdom of the Torah as taught and applied by the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory to everything we can ever potentially encounter... 

They turned to

And, ever since, our team has been working 'round the clock, for close to ten months now, to meet the urgent and diverse needs of countless people and communities around the globe, to provide:

  • positive and fortifying perspective and insight to counteract anxiety and gloom,

  • practical tips and resources for living through these times,

  • immense amounts of content in eight languages for children and adults of all walks of life, all across the globe,

  • Yizkor and Kaddish for loved ones,

and of particular note given the novelty and confusion as each holiday approached—

  • Tools and content to empower people with everything necessary to celebrate the most unprecedented Passover, Lag B'Omer, Shavuot, Elul, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Chanukah holidays of modern times!

The volume and velocity of the incoming, often panicked, requests was staggering (probably most akin to drinking from a firehose…). 

Yet, from the first moment, even while balancing some of their own highly significant personal challenges (--at one point we had four team members in the hospital, and a bunch more ill at home…), our team members were adamant: Nothing at all would stand in their way to help others! 

Saddled with this urgent sense of responsibility, every single day our rabbis, educators, developers and designers poured their hearts and souls into meeting these needs, to giving every single individual across the globe access to Jewish information and inspiration to nourish both mind and heart, and to providing an array of practical tools to pursue fulfillment and connectedness during these trying times.


But time is short and now is certainly not the time to dwell on past accomplishments, but to focus on the responsibility ahead. So, with your permission, I'm indeed going to delve right in to the great urgency we face in focusing our efforts forward: can really, really use your help now!

As mentioned, our team tries to emulate the Rebbe's teachings and example: No person is insignificant, no task too difficult, and no goal insurmountable to help every single Jew and every human being on the planet.

But these needs keep growing, thank G-d, and we cannot do it alone. We are in need of loving, caring partners to share our mission with us. 

Would you please partner with us now to help meet the needs of the many millions of young and old all over the world, from of all walks of life, who are relying on

Please consider selecting a recurring donation to keep your gifts producing results throughout the year.

If you'd like to express your partnership with a check you can do so here:

770 Eastern Parkway Suite 405
Brooklyn, NY 11213

You can contribute via Credit Card, PayPal, E-Check or Bank Transfer/Wire.

(Needless to say, your donation is tax-deductible.)

[Please consider also leaving a lasting, personal legacy for the Jewish People. Click here to find out more.]


To repeat: While serving close to 50 million individuals during the pandemic, from every corner of the globe and walk of life, our rabbis, editors, programmers, designers and other team members strived never to lose sight of the needs of the individual – many, many individuals; countless individuals!—who turned to us for some of their most existential needs. For each team member considers himself or herself a trustee of the Jewish People and of the world, responsible to nurture and to serve you. These requests for spiritual and other sustenance are only growing, both quantitatively and qualitatively! 

Please can you partner with us to ensure that everyone is indeed properly served, that our team can meet and satisfy people's ravenous spiritual appetites? 


Reflecting on the extraordinary circumstances and needs of this year, and factoring in the immense blessings inherent in charity to heal the world and open up the floodgates of blessing for ourselves, for our loved ones and for the entire world—we bless you and yours with all things good, material and spiritual, beginning with long healthy life!

In gratitude and blessing,

On behalf of the Team,

Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin

P.S. We are concerned about every one of our users. Please let us know if there is anything at all we can do for you! 

Important: If you have already become a partner in our campaign, we apologize for the repetition. Chances are that we are sending this to a different email address or that your check has not yet been processed. We are most grateful to you for your support and your understanding! Conversely, if you are unable to make a contribution, please see this as an invitation to continue and enjoy all our content and resources!

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