Thursday, January 14, 2021

Fwd: Solo Shabbat; Orthodox Jews and The Civil Rights Movement

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Jan 14, 2021, 8:23 PM
Subject: Solo Shabbat; Orthodox Jews and The Civil Rights Movement
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When You Get Your Vaccine, Don't Forget to Do This
When You Get Your Vaccine, Don't Forget to Do This
Rabbi Efrem Goldberg

When it comes time for you to get your vaccine, or to take the second dose if you got the first already, don't forget to smile, not for the nurse or doctor, not for the camera, but for yourself.

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PARSHAT VAEIRA January 15-16, 2021 – 3 Shevat 5781


HAFTARAH Ezekiel 28:25-29:21

Around the OU
Introducing: The Marilyn and Sheldon David IVDU High School
Introducing: The Marilyn and Sheldon David IVDU High School

In January 2021, on the occasion of Sheldon David's first yahrzeit, Yachad and IVDU are honored to announce the renaming of our IVDU High Schools as the Marilyn and Sheldon David High Schools.

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Get the Best of Jewish Action in Your Inbox
Get the Best of Jewish Action in Your Inbox
Jewish Action

Including selections from the latest issue as well as classic pieces from the Jewish Action archives!

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2020: The Year of...Innovation
2020: The Year of...Innovation
Jenna Beltser and Abigail Rochlin

As a product of the pandemic, many are predicting there will be myriad new inventions, ideas, and investment opportunities.

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Is Your Teen Missing the Kotel?
Is Your Teen Missing the Kotel?

While teens can't currently travel and visit the Western Wall due to the pandemic, they can submit their prayers and messages and NCSY Israel teens will put them into the Kotel on their behalf.

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This Week on In Conversation...
This Week on In Conversation...
OU Torah Initiatives

Rabbi Shay Schachter talks with Miriam L. Wallach, Managing Director of the Nachum Segal Network, about the Making of a Media Personality. January 16 at 8:15 PM EST.

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Watch: Break Free of Dieting
Watch: Break Free of Dieting
The SPIRIT Initiative

Discover the ten signs that you're stuck in a diet mentality, how to respond to the two types of hunger you experience, and the three kinds of trust you need to develop to never diet again.

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Tu B'Shevat Ideas and Inspiration
Tu B'Shevat Ideas and Inspiration
OU Women's Initiative

On Tu B'Shevat, Thursday, January 28, at 1:00 PM EST, Dr. Ruth Feldman, the "Green Bubbie," talks about "Nurturing Ourselves and Those Around Us."

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JLIConnections: Find Your Match Today
Overcoming Setbacks
Overcoming Setbacks
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ztz"l

Leadership, even of the very highest order, is often marked by failure.

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Join the OU Women's Initiative for a Siyum and Learning Sefer Tehillim
Join the OU Women's Initiative for a Siyum and Learning Sefer Tehillim
OU Women's Initiative

The Torat Imecha Nach Yomi program will be completing Nevi'im next week. Join us as we begin Ketuvim with Tehillim and celebrate the completion of Nevi'im. Three different siyum programs from January 19-24.

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The Status of Our Forefathers
The Status of Our Forefathers
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

What does our parsha teach us about some distinctive qualities possessed by Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?

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Four or Five?
Four or Five?
Rabbi Menachem Genack

Why do we drink only four cups at the Seder to correspond to four expressions of redemption when there are in fact five expressions of redemption?

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Towards Meaningful Tefillah
Towards Meaningful Tefillah
Torah Tidbits

Enjoy Rebbetzin Zemira Ozarowski's insights on tefillah and more in this week's Torah Tidbits.

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Barad and The Human Experience
Barad and The Human Experience
Steven Genack

Can we as humans achieve peace with ourselves and others just as the fire and water of the hail found peace with each other?

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Pharaoh's Free Will
Pharaoh's Free Will
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin

Jewish tradition views teshuva (repentance or return) as an inalienable right granted by God to every individual. How can God deny that right to Pharaoh?

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Jewish Thought
Solo Shabbat
Solo Shabbat
Steve Lipman

"For many years, I would travel to friends for Shabbat. That ended when COVID-19 struck."

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Brown v. Board of Education: An Orthodox Cause?
Brown v. Board of Education: An Orthodox Cause?
Rabbi Zev Eleff

As the nation prepare to commemorate MLK day this Monday, we remember Orthodox Jewry and the civil rights movement.

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May One Make Ices on Shabbat?
May One Make Ices on Shabbat?
OU Kosher

Get the answer in the special edition of Halacha Yomis, dedicated in memory of Rabbi Yosef Grossman z"l, whose first yahrtzeit will be this Sunday.

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Living in a Sustainable World
Living in a Sustainable World
Steven Genack

OU Kosher-certified companies have prioritized sustainability, knowing that food production must keep up with protecting natural resources and the environment.

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Featured Company: Diamond Foods
Featured Company: Diamond Foods
OU Kosher

Go nuts for this week's featured company—a beloved nut product manufacturer.

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Featured Products
Chumash Mesoras HaRav – Sefer Shemos
Chumash Mesoras HaRav – Sefer Shemos
OU Press

Edited with great skill by Dr. Arnold Lustiger, this groundbreaking Chumash collects and adapts the Rav's writings and teachings into a published commentary on Sefer Shemos that reflects his intellectual breadth and depth, his exegetical creativity, and the timelessness of his insights.

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Classic Vintage Fruit Crate Kosher Gift Basket
Classic Vintage Fruit Crate Kosher Gift Basket
Yachad Gifts

This vintage-styled wooden crate comes impressively packed with an abundance of healthy treats.

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