Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Aneinu Another Update - Tefillos Needed! Pregnant/New Mothers Covid List

Please daven for Chaya Rivka bas Leah and Tinok ben Chaya Rivka. This is my old neighbor and her baby, who they delivered emergency in the 7th or 8th month due to the mom being infected with corona. It’s been over a month now, and mother and baby are both not doing well.  May HaShem bring a complete yeshua for the whole world from this craziness already.    Adina Aidel bas Shaina MIndel - home on oxygen Ahuva Liba bas Gittel Devorah Batsheva bas Simcha Jaqueline Chana bas Bella Hadassa Chava Feiga Baila bas Chaya Malka - B"H back home-still needs tefillos Chava Rivka bas Yehudis Malka Chaya Rivka bas Leah &   Tinok ben Chaya Rivka Chedva bas Rochel Devora Gittel bas Sheva Mattel Esther bas Pesya Leah Leah bas Feiga Gittel - Moved to regular floor Nechama Rikel bas Feiga  Gittel - Moved to regular floor Osnat Zehava bas Ronit Chaya  Rachel Ahuva Rosa bas Tova Esther & Tinok ben Rachel Ahuva Rosa Rivka bas Tova  Rochel bas Chana Leah Rochel bas Malka Rochel Naomi bas Esther Chana Ruchama Rena Basya  bas Shifra Rus Ruth bas Rivka- she is doing better, and is not on any machines.  she still is in need of a refuah Sasha Bracha bas Leah Rivka Sima bas Baila Henna Tamar bas Esther Rivka Tehilla bas Zehava Zohara Yehudis Miriam bas Chana Gittel Yiska Rus bas Miriam

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