Tuesday, February 9, 2021

aneinu Critical surgery today

Please be mispallel for a young man: Yosef Chaim ben Devorah Leah, who is having complicated abdominal surgery today. He suffered the loss of his devoted mother not too long ago. He asks if you can have his name in mind when making the bracha "Asher Yatzar." He spearheaded the campaign "Asher to the Yatzar." Below is a 7 minute video with R' Yehuda Boruch Kamenetsky describing his experience with a brain tumor, followed by R' Yosef Chaim. Harav Shmuel Kamenetsky, shlit"a, also appears, enjoining us to have Hakoras Hatov to HKBH for the miraculous bodies He gave us.  https https://shoutout.wix.com/so/e4NS6eoMh?languageTag=en&cid=cabda6f0-f077-4c26-b022-ed3fb53ab48f®ion=1bbf9689-7dcc-42df-5b62-1ceeb96840e6#/main

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