Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Aneinu Personal Message from Sarah and Shloimie Newmark

Please daven for our daughter-in-law in Lakewood, who is very, very sick with Covid.  She and Moishie have KA"H eight children and she is expecting.  They added a name, she is now Ruchama Rina Basya bas Shifra Rus. Please say Tehillim, daven, learn, and do Mitzvos as a Zechus for her Refuah.  We are asking people to specifically say Asher Yotzar from a printed sheet, with a lot of Kavana, as was a source of Yeshuos for someone in Chicago, as in the article attached.  Please spread this to your children also. May we share only Simchos from now on. Sarah and Shloimie Newmark

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