Tuesday, February 2, 2021

aneinu UPDATE - Extreme urgent tefillos - Expectant and new mothers

Chasdei Hashem Chava Fayga Baila bas Chaya Malka (mother of 15) has been released from the hospital! Please continue to daven for her as she recuperates at home with her new baby. ***************************** Here is the link to a whatsapp Tehillim group started for these women: https://chat.whatsapp.com/LiEYs5kj2Xe3A2ywZmYu5e Women who are suffering from covid during pregnancy or who had emergency c-section: Batsheva bas Simcha Jacqueline  Chaya Rivka bas Leah (ECMO)and Tinok ben Chaya Rivka.  Yehudis Miriam bas Chana Gittel – a 37-year-old mother of six from Bnei Brak Chava Feiga Baila bas Chaya Malka Tehilla bas Zehava Zohara – a 30-year-old woman from Jerusalem who recently gave birth.Leah bas Feigel Gittel – She underwent an emergency C-section. Sadly, her sister is in a similar condition.Nechama Rikel bas Feiga Gittel – She underwent an emergency C-section. Sadly, her sister is in a similar condition.Rochel bas Malka – A Bnei Brak woman in her seventh month of pregnancy.Chana bas Bella Hadassah – 38-year-old mother of five from Modiin Illit. Her parents are also both in serious condition due to the coronavirus.Rochel Naomi bas Esther Chana (ECMO) and Tinok ben Rochel Naomi.Chedva bas RochelTamar bas Esther RivkaSasha Bracha bas Leah Rivka.Ahuva Liba bas Gittel Devorah.Rochel bas Chana Leah.Esther bas Pesya Leah.  (ECMOPYiska Rus bas Miriam

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