Thursday, February 18, 2021

Fwd: Hallel of the Hidden God; Purim's Future Redemption; Kosher in Morocco

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From: Shabbat Shalom <>
Date: Thu, Feb 18, 2021, 8:39 PM
Subject: Hallel of the Hidden God; Purim's Future Redemption; Kosher in Morocco
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Purim: Portal to the Future Redemption
Purim: Portal to the Future Redemption
OU Women's Initiative

Join Mrs. Esther Wein for Purim Ideas and Inspiration this Monday at 12 noon as she explores how Purim's redemption can prepare us for our eventual redemption.

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PARSHAT TERUMAH February 19-20, 2021 / 8 Adar 5781


HAFTARAH Samuel I 15:2-15:34


THIS SHABBAT Parshat Zachor


SPECIAL DAYS Fast of Esther is observed on Thursday, February 25. Purim begins Thursday night, February 25, and continues on Friday, February 26.

Around the OU
This Sunday, Explore New Frontiers in Kashrus
This Sunday, Explore New Frontiers in Kashrus
OU Kosher

Presented in conjunction with, explore the growing kosher markets in Bahrain, Morocco and the UAE.

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Don't Miss the Teach NYS Virtual Mission to Albany
Don't Miss the Teach NYS Virtual Mission to Albany
Teach NYS

Join hundreds of day school parents, students and elected officials for a virtual mission to Albany. This year it is more important than ever to make our voices heard by our representatives.

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Coming Soon: Join the Virtual Impact Accelerator Demo Day
Coming Soon: Join the Virtual Impact Accelerator Demo Day
Impact Accelerator

Watch how the outgoing participants demonstrate their impact for improving our Jewish communal future.

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In Conversation With Renowned Trauma Expert
In Conversation With Renowned Trauma Expert
Torah Initiatives

This Motzoei Shabbat at 8:15 PM ET, join Rabbi Yechiel Shaffer of Pikesville Jewish Congregation in conversation with Lisa Ferentz, world-renowned expert in trauma, about trauma informed therapy: a story of how to thrive through adversity.

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Terumah: Happy and Proud of Its Many Colors
Terumah: Happy and Proud of Its Many Colors
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

What does "tachash" mean and what lessons can we learn from it?

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Shnayim Mikra v'Echad Targum During Kriyas HaTorah
Shnayim Mikra v'Echad Targum During Kriyas HaTorah
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz

The Shulchan Aruch is explicit that one is permitted to review Shnayim Mikra v'Echad Targum during the public reading of the Torah — but how?

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The Home We Build Together
The Home We Build Together
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt"l

The sequence of parashot that begins with Terumah is puzzling. Why so long? Why such detail? The Tabernacle was, after all, only temporary.

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Purim and the Thrust to Yerushalayim
Purim and the Thrust to Yerushalayim
Rabbi Moshe Taragin

Explore this and more in this week's Torah Tidbits.

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The Four Parshiyot
The Four Parashot
Rabbi Menachem Genack

Are the four parashot that we read this month distinct from one another or do they share an underlying theme?

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Hallel of the Hidden God
Hallel of the Hidden God
Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik zt"l

In the Megilla narrative, no detail is trivial. Megillat Esther is a sefer because every detail must be taken into account to appreciate how the saga reaches it denouement.

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Why Doesn't a Bar Mitzvah Boy Read Parshas Zachor?
Why Doesn't a Bar Mitzvah Boy Read Parshas Zachor?
OU Kosher

Halacha Yomis looks at a special rule for parshas Zachor.

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Jewish Thought
Unmasking the Purim-Pesach Connection
Unmasking the Purim-Pesach Connection
Rabbi Fyvel Shuster

The unique relationship between Purim and Pesach is fundamental to fully understanding both of these upcoming holidays.

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Community Events
Jewish Organizations to Gather for Fertility Support Summit
Jewish Organizations to Gather for Fertility Support Summit
I Was Supposed to Have a Baby and Svivah

Eleven major Jewish organizations are coming together in the first annual Jewish Fertility Support Summit.

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Featured Company: Smart Sweets
Featured Company: Smart Sweets
OU Kosher

Smart Sweets is an OU Kosher company that makes the candy you love without the sugar!

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featured products
Days of Deliverance: Essays on Purim and Hannukah
Days of Deliverance: Essays on Purim and Hannukah
OU Press

Purim and Hanukkah share a rabbinic origin, a festive character, and a generally informal nature. In the essays collected here, both holidays serve as subtext for Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik's classic search for religious meaning in a seemingly cold and arbitrary universe.

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Decorative Hammered Silver Bowl Filled With Treats
Decorative Hammered Silver Bowl Filled With Treats
Yachad Gifts

This spectacular and decorative silver hammered metal bowl contains a full array delicious treats.

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Yachad NJ Program Director
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Part Time Accountant (NCSY Canada)
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