Monday, February 22, 2021

Fwd: Purim Resources

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From: Chabad of Illinois <>
Date: Sun, Feb 21, 2021, 10:15 AM
Subject: Purim Resources
To: <>

Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois
Printable Purim @ Home Companion

Printable Purim Companion

Dear Herschel,

Purim in Covid times – its hard to grasp that it has been almost a full year since the outbreak of the virus altered everything in our lives. While Zoom has made much of life operable there are some things it just can't replace; sometimes you have to hear it for yourself.

The Megillah is one of those - you gotta hear it with your own ears from a real live person. Well how do we manage that while maintaining proper precautions?

2500 years ago when Haman issued his annihilation decree, Mordechai, the hero, gathered 22,000 Jewish children in solidarity, that act of unity helped to defeat the enemy. From that event on Jews gather in their Purim celebrations and costumes. In 2021 we too will gather and wear masks, to evoke the story of hope and miracle. Haman claimed that we were spread out amongst the nations and vulnerable, we will spread out at social distance and be safe.

Throughout the state Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois' 50 centers will provide safe, social distance gatherings for Megillah readings on Thursday, Feb 25 & Friday Feb 26. We will stand apart so we can be together and transform this time of isolation into a celebration of unity!

To help celebrate a most uplifting and joyous Purim, here is a Purim Companion Booklet, a guide to walk you through the ins and outs of Purim and it's mitzvahs and joys. Replete with stories, essays, recipes, and more, this companion guide is a must for anyone spending Purim at home this year.

We'd like to invite you to download this free booklet for you and your family to enjoy.

Download and print the booklet here.

With wishes for a Purim filled with healing, health, joy, and all things good,

Your Friends @ Chabad

* To arrange a Homebound Megillah Reading register at or contact your local Chabad Center.

* For a full listing of Megillah readings through the city and suburbs visit .

* Fulfill the Mitzvah of Matonos L'evyonim, gifts to the poor, by donating here. To be distributed on Purim day. 


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