Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Fwd: Start Getting Fired Up for Purim!

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From: YUTorah <office@yutorah.org>
Date: Tue, Feb 9, 2021, 11:04 AM
Subject: Start Getting Fired Up for Purim!
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

New on YUTorah this Week

Yeshiva University

Center for the Jewish Future

February 9-15 • Shevat 27-Adar 3

This learning on the site this week was sponsored:

by Shulamith Goldstein, David Klavan, and Miriam Meyers in loving memory of their mother Rivka bas Shmuel Yitzchok
by Yanky and Adina Deutsch and family l'zecher nishmas Aharon Tzvi ben Yehuda Deutsch on his 14th Yahrzeit
by the Mosche Family l'zecher nishmas Limor bas Rivka
by Ruth Peyser Kestenbaum and Miriam & Alan Goldberg to mark the eighth yahrtzeit of their father, Irwin Peyser, Harav Yisroel Chaim ben R' Dovid V' Fraidah Raizel Peyser
in memory of Mordechai ben Chaim Dovid and Baylah bat Yaakove
by Rhea and Leon Landau in memory of Jacob Frost
by Jakob Schwerdt l'ilui nishmat his mother Sara bat Elyahu
by Gary and Margaret Kopstick to mark the yahrtzeit of Gary's mother, Faiga Devora bas Shmuel Eliyahu Kopstick
by Marilyn Gittleman for a refuah shleimah for Yerachmiel ben Sora
by Eric and Sara Pollak in memory of Mordechai ben Moshe and Sara bas Chaim

New This Week

Rabbi Reuven Brand

Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski zt"l: A Brief Appreciation

A reflection of the synthesis of this Chassidic master and clinical psychiatrist, and how that can inspire our lives.

Listen Now
Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz

From Matan Torah to Learning Torah
Reflections on the recent loss of Torah leaders and how to strengthen our own connection to Torah.

Listen Now
Rabbi Allen Schwartz

HaKol B'Seder #1: B'rachot
A new series going through all the mishnayot of Shas, 15 minutes per mesechta.

Listen Now
Rabbi Baruch Simon

The Bracha of Borei Pri Hagefen
What is the role of the bracha on wine during Kiddush, is it just to allow drinking the wine or is it something more?

Listen Now
Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky

Parameters of Chinuch

A halachic overview of the responsibility to teach our children to follow Torah and mitzvot. What exactly is the responsibility? When does it begin? And how is the chinuch supposed to be done?

Listen Now
Rabbi Mayer Twersky

The Hashkafa of Raising Children

No matter how many demands we have in our life, raising our children needs to be at the top of our priority list. Learning how to properly raise children from the life of Avraham.

Listen Now
Rabbi Michoel Zylberman

Seudas Purim on Erev Shabbos

How to properly fulfill the mitzvah of Purim seuda this year, and the general rules of eating on Erev Shabbos.

Listen Now

Featured on YUTorah


Time to Get Fired Up for Purim!

With less than three weeks to go, now is the time to start getting ready for Purim with shiurim on halacha, customs and inspiration.

Browse the Shiurim

Get to Know Megillat Esther

Everyone knows the basic story since first grade, but take another look at the text and you might see something you never noticed before.

Browse the Shiurim

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