Sunday, February 21, 2021

Fwd: This Weeks Sichos + Purim ...

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Date: Sun, Feb 21, 2021, 11:10 AM
Subject: This Weeks Sichos + Purim ...
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להרשם לקבלת אימיילים בעברית לחצו כאן

"ט' אדר - שנת פ"א - "הרחב פיך"
אזוי איז אויך אין דעם ענין פון תורה: וויפל עס זאל זיין א אידן'ס אריינגעטאנקייט אין לימוד התורה, דארף ער אלעמאל זיין "מוכן" אויף צו ברענגען תורה ווען נאר און וואו נאר מ'זאל דאס דארפן, און דוקא אין אן אופן פון "מהירות" צו נאך אידן און נאך אידן.
(לקוטי שיחות, חלק ט"ז, תצוה א).

So, too, regarding the Torah: No matter how invested a Jew is in studying Torah, he must always be ready to bring the Torah whenever and wherever it is needed. He should do this "quickly," bringing Torah to more and more Jewish people.

81 Years ago today, the Frierdiker Rebbe arrived at the shores of the United States, and began a new level of Hafatzas Hamayanos in the Western hemisphere. In this week's Sicha (Tetzave Alef) the Rebbe learns the lesson that we must "conquer the world with Torah" by bringing Torah to every place in the world.

This is our call to intensify our learning and to bring this to others who have not yet joined this incredible project. Especially with all the Sichos being on the App, it makes the learning so much easier and more enjoyable. Don't wait, pick up the phone, call a friend, and encourage them to join.

PS Remember that with Purim at the end of the week, you want to finish the weekly Sichos earlier in the week.

Download the app from the App Store, or Google Play. 
Team Project Likkutei Sichos
ומלאה הארץ לקוטי שיחות
💥This week's Sichos💥
Chelek Tes Zayin Tetzave Alef, Chag HaPurim Alef
חלק טז • תצוה • שיחה א
ועשית את המעיל . . לא יקרע
A "Rashi Sicha" explaining the dual connotation of the words "it shall not be torn," as both a reason for extra reinforcement on the collar opening, as well as a prohibition-command. The proof from the Choshen and the rods in the rings of the Aron. The lesson to always be ready to bring Torah to any place in the world.
חלק טז • חג הפורים • שיחה א
כתבוני לדורות, קבעוני לדורות
The difference between Esther and Mordechai in the documentation and the perpetuation of the Purim miracle. Esther brings the miracle into the material world (oros b'keilim). This connects to the passage in the Shulchan Aruch, "I awake the morning, the morning does not awake me."
Feature of the Week!
Chelek 16, Tetzave 1 - Rabbi Moshe Gourarie
Dedicated by Rabbi Shloimy and Mirele Greenwald
נוסד לכבוד י׳ שבט שבעים שנה.
לע״נ החסיד ר׳ אהרן ב״ר יהושע שניאור זלמן סערעבריאנסקי ע״ה
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