Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Fwd: With One Click, Join the Rebbetzin’s Party

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From: SIE <>
Date: Wed, Feb 3, 2021, 9:44 PM
Subject: With One Click, Join the Rebbetzin's Party
To: SIE <>


Dear Friends,

There is not much known about Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka due to her modest lifestyle. So, the personal stories and anecdotes that people share are invaluable as they allow us to get a glimpse of the Rebbetzin's royalty and grace.

From the Rebbe Rayatz's manuscripts, Likkutei Dibburim, one can learn much about his family life, particularly adding dimension to what we know about Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka. With her steadfast humility and loyalty, Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka stood at her father's side through his imprisonment in Kostroma and was a pillar of encouragement in his life-work.

One such instance is the Rebbe Rayatz's account of when the Schneersohn home was under search before his arrest:

"They began their search in the room of my daughters, Chayah Mussia and Sheine, and asked them: "What party do you belong to?"

"We belong to our father's party," they replied; "we are nonpartisan daughters of Israel. We are fond of the old ways of our Patriarch Israel, and detest the new aspirations."

…. I cannot deny that I found it pleasing to hear the way she spoke so sensibly, in such a decisive voice, and with such coolheaded (though simulated) calm."

This chapter is an excerpt and preview viewing of the revamped Likkutei Dibburim edition.

In honor of Chof Beis Shvat, Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka's Yahrtzeit, Sichos in English is sharing a snippet of the brilliant treasure trove, Likkutei Dibburim. Upon the Rebbetzin's passing, the Rebbe directed that the living shall take to heart. What better way to emulate the Rebbetzin's sacrifice and ways, than by first learning them? Read a chapter of this anthology about the Rebbe Rayatz, his daughter, Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka and the Rebbe.

Join the Rebbetzin's Party by partnering with us to print the updated Likkutei Dibburim series.

May we take the Rebbetzin's life and ways to heart, and follow in her footsteps.


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