Wednesday, March 3, 2021

FW: Complimentary Tefillah in Lizhensk for Noam Elimelech's Yahrtzeit (+ Pesach raffle for 51 hours cleaning help)

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-------- Original message --------
From: Yad L'Achim <>
Date: 3/3/21 6:25 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: Complimentary Tefillah in Lizhensk for Noam Elimelech's Yahrtzeit (+ Pesach raffle for 51 hours cleaning help)

Dear Herschel, (see notes below)
We hope you are feeling well! (not so simple these days)
We want to invite you to submit your names for free to Lizhensk in appreciation for your constant support! 

(free to join but you have to HURRY AS THE DEADLINE IS APPROACHING)

(also, learn more about our raffle for 51 hours of home Pesach cleaning - click HERE)

Submit your names for the special tefillah for SHIDDUCHIM, HEALTH & all yeshuos in
LIZHENSK – at the resting place of Reb Elimelech of Lizhensk  - the Noam Elimelech zt"l
on the day of his yahrtzeit, כ"א אדר, FOR FREE  - CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS, or visit

NOTE #1: Although its not easy to get to Lizhensk this year, our messengers are already in Lizhensk
NOTE #2: If you want to be inspired, watch people who were rescued tell her story by CLICKING HERE

(To submit names without a donation, simply enter 00 as amount)

(Tefillah can be for Shidduchim, Health, Parnassah, Children, Shalom Bayis & All Personal Requests)


still reading until this point? We are glad! CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE ABOVE TO JOIN OR CALL 1-866-923-5224

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