Wednesday, March 24, 2021

FW: Pesach What, How, Why, Recipes & More

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-------- Original message --------
From: Rabbi Meir & Miriam Moscowitz <>
Date: 3/24/21 9:07 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: Pesach What, How, Why, Recipes & More

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Chabad of Northbrook
Passover begins Saturday evening, March 27, and continues through Sunday, April 4.
Search for Chametz: Thursday eve, March 25


Dear Friend,

Wow! It's hard to believe that after an entire year of challenge, change, unrest and uncertainty, Passover, the Festival of our Liberation, has once again arrived.

This time though, even as many of us are still deeply affected by COVID, spring is blooming, and we finally dare hope that the worst is behind us.

As we sit down on Sat. and Sun. nights to relive our nation's Divinely orchestrated Exodus from slavery and eat our shmurah matzah and bitter herbs, lets us be thankful to G-d for the myriad of miracles big and "small" in our lives starting with the priceless gift of having one another.

For the many of us who've entered a new era of health, please G-d, let's not forget those still in isolation. Let's check in on them, lift up their spirits and ensure that all their needs are met. For if there is one thing we walk away with from this year, let it be a renewed appreciation and focus on our interdependency.

We wish you and your loved ones a kosher, happy (and healthy!) Passover!

- Rabbi Meir & Miriam Moscowitz

P.S. Need Shmurah Matzah the seder let us know. 

P.P.S. Below are some of our most popular and salient links from our Passover Study and Audio/Video sections. And whether you are alone or with friends and family, we trust you will be delighted by a refreshingly beautiful and oh-so-functional Haggadah. It's a free download from our content partner, made with you in mind!

What Is Passover?
Unlock the Vault
of Holiday Wisdom
The Passover Guides,
Calendars & How-To's
4 Cups of Wine
Everything About
the Seder
Traditional to Modern,
All Kosher for Passover
Picked for You
The science of preparing for this holiday is as ancient as the holiday itself.

Approximately once every nine years, Passover begins on Saturday night. This means that erev Pesach, the day before Passover 2021, coincides with Shabbat, bringing with it a number of unique laws and guidelines.

Keeping those of us still isolated in mind, we've prepared a list of tips for making this Passover as positive, meaningful and memorable as possible!

Use this online form to sell your chametz for Passover.

The Haggadah speaks about the "Four Sons" at the Seder table, demonstrating that every Jewish child needs to be given the full experience of Passover. What about the Fifth Son? Watch this video of the Rebbe to find out.

Jewish law rules that there are two very different kinds of matzah.

How well do you know this food, which has been with us since the dawn of our peoplehood? Here are some of our favorite matzah myths.

Whether you're on your own or with a crowd, a veteran or a newbie, if you want to make your Seder an exciting and meaningful experience you want this Haggadah.

…and it was designed that way

The door of the decorated coach opened, and an elegantly dressed gentleman stepped out.

For all your Passover needs, visit:
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