Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 4 Nisan 5781/March 17, 2021

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From: Agudath Israel of America <>
Date: Wed, Mar 17, 2021, 4:34 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 4 Nisan 5781/March 17, 2021
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Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual.
March 17, 2021 - 4 Nisan 5781
News from the Agudah:

  • The Agudah Voting Project was pleased to welcome NYC mayoral candidate Ray McGuire for a town hall, and thanks him for sharing his vision for NYC and participating in an informative conversation. For more details see below.

  • Watch: Why Will this Pesach be Different than All Others? In honor of the Siyum on Maseches Pesachim, the V'higadita L'vincha series, from Ki Heim Chayeinu, a division of Agudah, shows us how to implement all we now know about the seder and utilize it to inspire our children to grow in emunah and connect with our mesorah. See below to watch an intro to the new series and go to for this series and more from Ki Heim Chayeinu.

  • The Overseas Pesach Campaign has helped Jewish families with kosher for Pesach food for the past 50 years. See below for more information on how you can help.

  • To date PCS has 6,500 job placements, if you are looking for a job or for someone to fill an opening, contact PCS at Lakewood: 732-905-9700 ext. 690 New York: 718-436-1900. Latest job postings can be viewed here

  • Lomdei Daf Yomi worldwide will complete Maseches Pesachim just days before Pesach. Throughout this week there will be Halachah L'Maaseh shiurim given at 9:00 PM EST. Tonight's shiur will be given by Rabbi Dovid Heber, and will be on Sheurei Leil HaSeder: four Kosos, Matzah, Maror. See below for how to watch and listen.

  • Between now and Pesach, we will be having special shiurim in honor of Pesach - please see below for this week's full schedule, and we hope you'll join! The Pesach series of shiurim will be archived here:

  • Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Eliyahu Simcha Bamberger on the marriage, last night, of their daughter Yehudis to Moshe Dovid Zaks!

  • Update from New York: Mandated Services Aid Program (MSA) is the single largest source of funding for NYC yeshivas. This year's executive budget included very troubling language that would have put the future of MSA in danger. This became the number one item on our state level advocacy. Baruch Hashem, over the weekend, both the Senate and the Assembly released their one house budget documents with this language removed. Though that it is a promising development, it is not yet the final legislation. Therefore the Agudah Yeshiva Services department sent an email to NYS principles and administrators asking them to email Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and Senate Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins to thank them for supporting mandated services to non-public schools and implore them to ensure that it remains intact in the final enacted budget.
Ray McGuire Joins the Agudah Voting Project for a Town Hall 
The Agudah Voting Project was pleased to host a town hall with New York City mayoral candidate Ray McGuire as part of its series of town halls with candidates running for public office. 

Mr. McGuire participated in a robust conversation in which he spoke about how his upbringing in the Rust Belt formed his world view, especially as it relates to education. He also spoke about his faith, connection to Israel, and the value he places in a strong community. 

Advocates from the community asked Mr. McGuire questions about his vision for New York City and how he would address issues such as the current downturn in the economy, vaccine rollout, rise in crime, anti- Semitism. yeshiva education, affordable housing, special education funding, and other challenges currently facing New York City and the Orthodox Jewish communities there.  

Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, Agudah's director of New York government relations, said, "We would like to thank Mr. McGuire for sharing his story and vision for New York City with us." 
Why Will this Pesach be Different than All Others?
Click here or on the image below to watch.
Overseas Pesach Campaign
The Overseas Pesach Campaign has helped Jewish families with kosher for Pesach food for the past 50 years. You can contribute by going to
Halacha L'Maaseh Shiur
On Monday, March 22nd/9 Nisan lomdei Daf Yomi worldwide will complete Maseches Pesachim. Agudas Yisroel's Daf Yomi Commission will sponsor a Worldwide Siyum Broadcast in conjunction with the first yahrzeit, l'zecher nishmas the Rosh Agudas Yisroel, HaRav Yaakov Perlow, Novominsker Rebbe ZT"L. The Siyum program will feature speakers who will share their memories and impart some of the most important lessons to be learned from the life and achievements of the beloved Novominsker Rebbe.
Throughout the week preceding the Siyum, (Monday evening, March 15th through Thursday, March 18th), the Agudah will host a 4-part Halachah L'Maseh series on topics relating to maseches Pesachim and the upcoming Yom Tov of Pesach, given by Rabbi Doniel Neustadt (Hilchos Bedikas and Biur Chometz), Rabbi Noach Issac Oelbaum (Mitzvas Sippur Yetzias Mitzrayim), Rabbi Dovid Heber (Shiurei Leil HaSeder: Daled Kosos, Matzo, Marror), and Rabbi Simcha Bunim Londionsky (Erev Pesach on Shabbos). With Pesach around the corner, these audio/video presentations covering Pesach topics should be especially relevant. 

This 4-part series will be available to watch daily at 9:00 PM or call in at 718.298.2077 x 52.
Iyunim B'hilchos Pesach
The shiurim will continue this week with the access information as follows:

The Zoom access link is and the call in number is 1-646-558-8656, access code: 835-286-77424.
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